Too see through new eyes.

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POV: Jason Beckham

      My hearts racing, the beat getting faster and faster. I shut my eyes as I stumbled into a large rough object. It was freezing outside, but for some odd reason my body felt like a sauna. I don't know where I am or how I got here, but I needed to find a way out,  and fast. That's when it hit me, there was this sharp pain where my neck and shoulder met. My shirt's stained, from what? I have no idea, But it's drenched from the pouring rain. The rain... it's raining. Which means I'm outside somewhere, but I still don't know what the object I'm leaning on is.

      I turned my body in agony, the pain in my shoulder shooting down through my side and arm. I got my body angled slightly so I could run my hand down the unknown object to try and identify it. It was rough and moist from the weather condition outside. Ah, it's a tree. That makes sense considering I'm outside, but I still have no idea where I am outside. All of a sudden it feels like my body is being stabbed by a million needles, it's not the rain either. I groan out slightly in pain, shifting so my backs pressed against the tree. I can't stand this, the pain is unbearable. It makes me want to scream, but I can't. I should probably open my eyes, they've been closed the whole time. I feel like someone put bricks on them to keep them shut. I must open them though, and maybe get to a hospital or something, at least escape from the forest. I start opening my eyes, but all I see is white, it gives me a massive migraine so I start to slide to the soaked forest floor.

      "What am I... What's happening to me?" I try speaking but the words wont seem to come out. I collapse to the freezing floor as my body goes limp,  starting to lose all feeling in my body, I open my mouth once more to scream for help, but yet again. Nothing comes out. I laid on the hard floor,  slumped against the large tree as my vision started to clear up... but there was a problem. Everything was turning black and white. "What is this?" I asked myself, but I couldn't think of a logical explanation for my sight. The only things I know of that have black and white sight is... animals. That's when everything went black, I laid slumped against a tree, passed out.

      Bright lights flash as I slip slowly in and out of consciousness. I'm to weak to open my eyes right now, they feel so heavy. Same with my whole body though, I feel like there's a huge weight on my chest. I need to sit up and breathe, my chest hurts and there's a slight pain where my neck and shoulder meet. I lift my head, but as soon as I go to move my arms to sit up, their yanked back down my some force. Restraints... I'm restrained to a metal table, or bed. There are shadows of some faces, but I cant make out if they're real or not. Am I dreaming? Or just having a day dream? It feels so real. That's when my eyes barely open, just enough for me to get a glimpse at the shadow. It's some type of doctor, they had a long coat on and a white mask, you know? The ones that they make you were if your sick at a hospital. I hear foot steps, and there moving closer and closer to me. I stay still, trying to act like I never woke up, but some how the doctor knew I did. He put a finger on my eyebrow and forced my eye open, shining a bright little flash-light into it, causing my pupils to dilated. I shut my eyes tightly as he laughs a little.

     "Sensitive, aren't we?" He says in a slightly teasing voice.

     I let out a soft growl and start tugging at the restraints. I want out of here... I don't want to be here. Who are they, and what are they doing to me? The doctor ran his hand along my neck, then a bit lower to where it met my shoulder. He put a tad bit of pressure on the spot, causing me to wince. But I didn't only wince, I let out a small whimper. Like one a dog makes when in pain. I blinked once, I've never whimpered... or made any noise like that. I tilted my head and looked up at the doctor and for the first time in awhile, my body allowed me to speak.

     "I just... I whimpered..?" I said in a slightly confused voice, still tilting my head.

     The male nodded then retreated from his place, walking over to a cabinet and grabbing what looks like a needle, but my visions still a tad bit blurry so I can't fully see. As he moves closer, I realize the object he's holding is a needle.

     "This will just put you to sleep for awhile pup" He said once again in a teasing voice.

      Pup? I blinked at the name, tugging more at the restraints. I don't want to be asleep again, I feel like I've been asleep for ages. I'd squirm a bit, tugging more at the restraints that are around my wrist and feet.

     "Let me out!" The words slipped out through clenched teeth.

     The doctor continued to fill the needle with a clear liquid, flicking at the tip of it. My eyes would shut tightly as the larger male reached down and slowly slid the needle into my wrist, injecting the liquid into my veins. I'd cringe slightly before my whole body went limp, relaxing against the metal bed. My attention would shift to the needle sliding out of my wrist until my eye-lids started getting heavier. My breathing would slow down as my eyes completely shut, making my body slip into a cold sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2013 ⏰

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