Part 1 - First Encounter

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Welcome fellow fanfic reader! and into the first chapter of this story!

You're reading the story? Oh wait, right! cue the intro!
5: 00 and a call to go blading,
At the skate park down by the mall.
But my mom says I got to prevent some aliens From annihilating us all (Hiya!)

With the strength of a million & 70 men, I guess I really shouldn't complain. Still I wish I can go for a walk without, Rustin' in the rain

It's enough to drain my braaaaiiiiiin
So welcome to my life
As a teenage robot
Story of my life
As a teenage robot
A teenage robot life!

Episode Title Card: A New Frenemy.

Jenny enters the training room with a stinky sock on her, smelling like trash. Then there comes near her is Starburst.

Starburst is a guy who is the same age as her, But a human of course, His superpower is Yellow energy electricity uhh things... I dunno.. And most importantly, he can fly! Starburst is wearing a yellow power-ranger-like suit, His gloves, belt, and boots were shiny black, he has a symbol of a circle with a triangle-shaped hole in the middle on his chest, shoulders, knees, and the top of his helmet.

"Oh, hey Robotgirl! Ehhh, you stink!"
Starburst said while flying.

Jenny just ignored this. "So I've heard, It's like there's been a target on my back all day.." Jenny is in for a surprise, she suddenly gets blown away by some blasters stuck to the grey-mechanical wall behind her and all around them. The other four heroes laugh at her failure, As she lays on the ground like a loser.

The training room was in a helicarrier of Skyway Patrol, the training room's walls, floor and ceiling were all grey, and it was padded so each pad would flip and show off one of the dangerous traps or weapons.

The others exit the room and it was time for Jenny to train. "Please don't go too rough on me." She said to the person behind the glass, the guy who is control of every panel for the training room. He is an adult man, wearing the Skyway uniform.. His name is Agent Ken.

"20 minutes routine, prove yourself to us. XJ-9." Ken said. "Oh, please don't call me by my project name! My name is Jenny!" Jenny said as she dodged some rockets that were targetting her. She builds out a strong shield from her arm, and hits the rockets making them fly in another direction and eventually blow up.

"What else?" She said, still in her fighting pose. "Well.." Ken said before pressing a button. Three tall pads in the room on the walls flipped backward and let out training drones from each pad. They were about the height of Jenny, their bodies were like that of the daleks from Doctor Who (No, i don't watch it.) Their heads were square with two antennas, above. Their eyes were red, their expressions were plain.. With their robotic teeth showing. They also had arms, very thin arms as in like.. sticks?

"Drones?" Jenny said. "Yep, we got you some friends now." Ken said.
All of the drone's chests open up and release rockets targetting Jenny.

Jenny blocks the first rocket with her shield and extends her arms to grab the other two rockets by the sides. She makes the rockets face the direction where the drones are and lets them go, blowing up the drones.

"Phew!" Jenny said and wiped her head.

18 Minutes Later...
Jenny's POV

It was finally my time to rest. Man, that training got rough pass that whole rocket-to-drone part. I'm now steaming and smoking.. I wonder what Mom and my friends are doing back home.

As soon as I enter the meeting room of the team. There he stands. The four were sitting in their respective chairs while this dummy is standing right on the table doing maybe what apears to be a conference. He is a guy in a black jumpsuit, He's actually a ninja, But his suit has glowing green lines all around his body, and his mask has two green lines passing from top of the head down his eyes and the line ends down under his cheeks. And the holes for his eyes were inside a large shape of a diamond for each hole, Pretty much like Deadpool's black diamond-shapes around his eyes, But their green. He had two swords and of course they were in a swordpack, and he had pouches stuck to his utility belt.

"Skyway Patrol's stupid training was worth it! I'm telling ya', stick with it and bam, pow, shabang, you too might someday defeat half the Latverian army! Like I did, as I'm sure you've heard. Plus, I 'stached Doctor Moccus!" Shadow said.

"You? stached Doctor Moccus?" Starburst said. "Check it!" Shadow shows the team a footage of Dr. Moccus not noticing that someone had drawn curvy lines on his face and eventually gets laughed at. The team also laughs.

Oh wait. I haven't mentioned the other three!

There was Misty, Dragonfist, Starburst and Indestructo.

"Oh, I missed your laugh the most, Misty!" Shadow gives Misty a flower. "Best friends, K??" "Eeeuugh does somebody smell scrapmetal?" Shadow said talking about Jenny behind him.

"It's been quite a rough day." Jenny said. "I'm-" Jenny said "Extremely ripe!" Shadow interrupted. Shadow pulls out a spraycan that makes anything smell good, a perfume? And it's got his picture on it. "Here, used by a guy but made for girls." Shadow said and sprayed on Jenny with this.

"So, you're the director's newest guppy. Iron Girl right? big fan, big fan I liked all your flops on superhero fails." Shadow said. "What?" Jenny said. Shadow suddenly appears on the monitors. "Oh, you're comedy gold. My friend. And also comedy oatmeal. And you already know that I'm the one they call 'Shadow', a superhero supreme with a side of BAM!" Then Shadow is near Jenny again. "Nice to see you didn't copy someone else's looks, But am I like your Idol?" Shadow asked.

"No, I never heard of you." Jenny said. "Sure. White skin, Blue hair and everything else." Shadow said while measuring Jenny with a tape measure. "No pouches though, you need pouches." Shadow said. "I have the pouches inside me." Jenny said and built out some of her weapons from her arms. "Which reminds me why I'm here, gotta use the little boys computer." Shadow said and jumped on the computer chair and used the large computer.

"Someone explain?" Jenny said and crossed her arms. Starburst was about to tell her. "Not Starburst." Jenny interrupted. "Shadow used to train with us, he left right before you got here." Misty said. "He follows his own drummer, and man. His drummer drums loud." Dragonfist said. "He's now working as a freelance hero, You know.. He can do anything he wants!" Indestructo said. "Shadow is the best! Thee best! Everybody loves him!" Starburst said.
"Everybody? even the director?" Jenny asked. "It's true, he totally adopted me." Shadow said in Jenny's mind as an illusion, "How are you in my head?" Jenny asked inside her head. "No, I'm not. You're in my head, Am I blowing your mind yet?" Shadow blows up a TNT as an illusion in Jenny's mind.

"Why the alumni visit, Shadow?" Jenny asked. "One double agent, Agent McGuffin! stole one of the files that contains all our details, weaknesses and identities! Yours! and his! and hers! and his! and his!" Shadow said pointed at each member after each 'and'. "We should be on that case." Jenny said.

"Why didn't the director tell us?" Jenny asked. "He's probably doing something very important as we speak!" Shadow said. "Well, since I got the location to where Agent McGuffin is, I sure gotta get back out there to have fun of being me!" Shadow said.

"Jenny Wakeman, back to training. There are 20 bots with your name on them, They're not gonna train theirselves you know." Ken said on a monitor. Ugh! "Here's a thought, How about I come with you?" Jenny told Shadow.

"This MacGuffin thing is very serious." Shadow said. "And hero graduate or other, I think you could use some backup. And right now, I think your life sounds way cooler than mine." Jenny smiled.

"So you seek to learn from the master, Today you become a legend!" Shadow said and put his arm around Jenny's shoulders. "See ya, peeps!" Shadow said and took Jenny with him like she was made of plastic.

"Jenny's about to get pooled!"
Starburst said. After the two had left, the director K suddenly walks in. "Was Shadow here? Did he take anything?!" Director asked the others and they just acted like nothing happened.

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