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Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost



My name is Georgia and I am sixteen years old. I have never been, nor felt misunderstood or truly alone because since I was six years old I have believed in God. My name is Georgia and I am a Mormon. However, this story isn’t about me, though I will be part of it. It’s about two of the most wonderfully peculiar people on the planet and our families. We aren’t related, though we could be and in my opinion should be.

Regan and Liam are possibly the best friends any sixteen year old girl could have. I know this because they’re mine. All mine. But you see, being sixteen, life’s challenges and temptations begin to come at you hard and fast and all three of us would give into them if we didn’t have the others. So I decided that I’m going to write our story because it will have a sad ending. Sad, not tragic. At least, I don’t think it will end badly.

I’m going to right it to inspire someone out there. I don’t know who, how or why, but I just know that this is a story that must be written. We are strong, and together we are stronger. We are the choice generation and we want to make a difference.

Be the change you want to see in the world. So this is what we aim for, and together it is so much easier to achieve.

This is a story of friendship; of strength and energy; of texting until 2am to keep each other awake while we attempt homework; of waking up at 5am to attend our first class together. This is a story of maybes; what ifs; whys; how comes; and most importantly, I love you’s. This is a story of how actions speak louder than words but sometimes it’s still nice to hear it. This is the story of 3 Mormon teenagers who changed each other’s lives in a year and had to say goodbye.

But goodbye is never the end.

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