Moments Untouched

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The whiz of sound and a blank state,Wind moved shivering my soul awake.The pitter patter rain drops filled the emptiness in room,Dusky smell of caffeine and a mustard afternoon.

I was humming the formulas while the coffee buffered on stove,Adding music to a Friday Afternoon..With a mug in hand and beauty of rains,I jumped to my favorite Window pane.

Pen rolled towards me and pages did flipped,Words came out like a blissful bliss.My fingers didn't stop and eyes started wandering,Outside the window to stories untold and inside the window the silence still rolled.

That old man on the street begging with his wife,His mustard eyes wandering for hope to survive.Or that doctor lady with millions of dreams,Or the lady in the kitchen humming latest hits.

That little girl with a pony and cutest smile,Was getting beaten up for not pronouncing right.And that Old man and his Son,May be the purest form of love..But still that pleasing smile on his face..Why was that not enough.

My eyes were tired but search didn't end,The galvanized skies made an enchantment.

Those birds flew like a swing together,And the little squirrel ran his life in hurdle.The smart crow dipping the biscuit in water,And the way the Dog rejoiced watching his master.

The branches of coconut tree waved like a flag,And that torn paper plane lying on sand.They way the blind men tapped his stick,Matching rhythm with the rain drops he sings.The way that dog family hiding under the car,& little puppy roaming fearlessly around.


I hear "Meow" and my blood pressure rolled meters above,I jumped on bed Ohh God..! it's a Cat.How did she came up..? I shouted to the walls..But my little kitten just rolled her Eyes on the milk bowl.Ohh Yes, I fear those little creatures around,I know they are beautiful but I am not used to their sound..I moved little steps and reached the bowl,Can't disappoint those pretty eyes with hope.She sipped it peacefully and again Meowed.Teaching me the magic of silence she moved out .

These little creatures with a tail and wings,They could fly the heights and run and swing.They care for you, if you care for them,No complains and No Demands.They turn silence to meaningful words,Adding one more glory to those Moments untouched.


Heli Vora.

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