Temptation (PewdieCry)

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"I love you."

"I... I like you, too." Felix chewed on his lip nervously, his eyes darting and looking at everywhere but the sad blue eyes that stared at him miserably. He had always loved to gaze into those dark blue orbs - there was just something about the little waves and speckles in his irises that made Felix catch his breath in pure awe. But now, they were bloodshot, and Felix couldn't grab enough courage to look into them anymore.

His heart clenched with guilt at the hurt expression he could see at the corner of his eye. Cry took a step towards him, but he took a step backward. Cry looked at him with wide eyes. "W-Why, Felix?"

Felix couldn't answer. He didn't how he could say it to Cry without hurting him; in fact, he already was, even without saying anything. A stray tear traveled its way down his cheek, and he flinched as Cry brushed it away. His expression was one of misery, a face that could not hide the regret of something he hadn't even done yet, but something he had to do.

Even if it hurt him, he had to do this. It was now or never.

"Felix," The brunet whimpered, almost as if he was ready to go on his knees in front of the other male and beg him to tell him what was wrong. "if it's something I did, I..."

"It's not you, Cry. It's everything else. Everything is wrong." He admitted, finally able to look him in the eye. "I don't want to do this anymore, Cry. I love Marzia more than anything else, and-"

"And you said you loved me as much as her!" Cry yelled. "Is this what it's about? You choosing her over me? Pewds, I fucking love you, you can't do this to me!"

"I know, Cry, I know! I just..." Pewdie tried to explain, but he didn't know what to say. What could he say, when he was forced to choose between two people he loved equally? "I don't want to hurt her..."

Cry was such a temptation - no matter how much he hated betraying Marzia, the brunet would always swoon him, up to the point that their affair had lasted for so long and he had learned to love him as much as he loved his girlfriend. But he had to end this; he had to set things straight. He had told Marzia everything, crying in front of her and even telling her that he understood if she wanted to end their engagement, but the beautiful Italian only shushed him and embraced him in her arms, telling him that she forgave him, and even Cry. Stopping this affair was the best he could do to thank the woman for her forgiveness.

"So now you're hurting me?" Cry argued weakly, sitting back down on the chair behind him and staring at his feet. "Come on, Felix. We've had this affair for two years; why would you stop now?"

Pewdie took a deep breath, expelling the tightness of his chest, but to no avail. He had to tell him, he had the right to know. "I'm marrying her."

Cry gasped aloud. Sobbed miserably. The blond could do nothing but cringe and look away sadly, feeling a few tears of his own leave his pale blue eyes. He stood up, not wanting to witness this anymore. He wanted to fix the broken man in front of him, rush up to his side and apologize with a kiss... but he couldn't. He knew it would only make forgetting even harder for the brunet. "I'm sorry, Cry."

And he walked away.

Next thing he knew, the sounds of wedding bells reached his ears. Cry had stopped talking to him, stopped seeing him, and walked away from his life. He still felt sad about it every now and then, but his optimism told him that it was for the best. Now, here he was, wearing a well-pressed tuxedo and watching as his beautiful fiancée walked elegant steps beside her father. The lovers' gazes met and they exchanged smiles, both feeling happy and at the same time thrilled of the marriage life awaiting them. They exchanged vows, exchanged rings, and finally, kissed as the audience clapped pleasantly.

Temptation (PewdieCry)Where stories live. Discover now