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Now, we all know there are tons of amazing stories out there. Many of those stories are well-known and popular. They have tons of reads/comments/votes. But what about those amazing stories that are undiscovered and go unnoticed? Well, I'm creating this to help you promote your story to get your amazing writing out there! You will also be able to read other's stories, too. 

I will separate each chapter into genres so it can help people find what kind of book they want. 

Important note: I will not have a limit on the amount submissions that will be able to be submitted for each chapter. However, it also depends on how crazy it might get with submissions. I will continue to add chapters if needed. (: 

Also, if your story is posted and the amount of reads/chapters has gone up since you filled out the form, just let me know since I won't be checking and updating those numbers. 

Start sending me your amazing books! 




Rating (G, PG, PG-13, R. Only if you have it rated.): 


Short synopsis/description: 


So, start sending me books! Hope this helps you get your stories noticed! Message me if you have any questions.(:

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