He's The One My Parents Made Me Swear To Stay Away From [Dark!Liam]

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"Why so scared?" He asked, his fingers trailing on the now heated skin of my arm. 

I trembled as he continued his assault on my skin leaving no part of my arm untouched.

He's a psychopath, with a psychotic game he's playing.

"Like them or not your forced to play these games of mine" he smirked putting a sloppy kiss on my ear.

"I like playing these games with you. They excite me" he whispered.

My legs felt like jelly and if his arm hadn't been locked to my waist I would have fallen to the ground of the V.I.P section of the stupid bar.

"I'll have to thank Zayn later for getting you here without letting those dirty, nasty men have a look at you" his speech was angry and hatefull.

He then put on a giddy smile before speaking. "Oh I would have loved to put them in misery, but being here with you makes me feel more......  content" he spoke.

"L-Liam. You're not gonna kill them.... a-are you?" I asked.

"Only if they touch my baby" he said pulling me closer to him as some man came over with some drinks. 

"I only get the finest for my baby" he whispered smiling at me, after drinking a couple of the unknown content inside the shot glasses.

"babe you have to try this stuff" his drunken self picked up a glass, and thankfully without dropping it set it infront of me. 

I took a small sip and I suddenly felt very tired.

"Sleep" he smirked and I closed my eyes.

And that's when I woke up from my horrible nightmayer

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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He's The One My Parents Made Me Swear To Stay Away From [Dark!Liam]Where stories live. Discover now