Chapter 1

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  *at age 12 ****   

Everyone was just there,frozen,without saying one word just staring in fear insight of the gun."where is sarah?!"my dad shouted. No one would answer everyone was to scared to answer hecks i was even shaking because i was to scared he would find me i mean come on i was hinding under the table thats so predictable!!!

"WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER !?!"my dad shouted one more time but this time i heard the sound of a bullet fire up.I  gasped  when i heard the gun go off. Am i  the only one who made a sound because all you could hear is me gasping i mean  aren't this people scared or theyre just depth,i suddenly start to see a shadow above me, i looked up it was my dad fear rushes through me. My dad grabbed my hair like no one has grabbed my hair before."DAD!!!!WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" i asked in fear. My dad didnt answer he just kept moving ....with my hair still being pulled by him !!

Next thing i knew we were out the apartment going down the stairs ....i was getting really wet i mean seriously why when bad things happen there has to be rain involved???Besides that thought i was thinking of so many thoughts my dad going to kill me???did he kill anyone ?? but the main reason why is he so mad??what did i do???wheres my mom?!

My dad stopped in the middle of the stairs and finally let go of my hair ...i felt like if i was bleeding or some goat was chewing my hair off!!!some tears starting scrolling down my face when the pain started to form... i looked around ...still no one came to save me not even my mom or Marco , but i perfer to call him Marc ..he's been my bestfriend since pre-school  ...Mark had came with me and my mom to this party because i didnt know anyone around here only my mom knew the owners of the apartment.

"SARAH!!!!WHY DID U DO THIS TO ME!!" my dad yelled at me breaking me put from ny thougts ."I  dont know what your talking about ??"i said in horror trying to remember what ever i did

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID !!"my dad told me in such a harsh tone.....


so this is my first chapter of lost i hope yall liked it ^.^

if i made some spelling errors tell me but in a nice way as possible

ill try to update every friday sometime or at some point because im just busy reading all these amazing books ^.^

By the way sorry for the short chapters im new at this so yeah ....

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