Train Ride

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I quickly slid into the compartment and sat down next to my two best friends. A little bit about them, actually.

Pansy Parkinson is the greatest person you will ever meet. She is a bit strange and everyone thinks she's obsessed with my cousin, but she really isn't. She has a huge crush on Blaise Zabini, and only acts like she likes Draco, so that she can make Blaise jealous. It hasn't worked, so she's going to stop this year. Her parents are pretty nice, but they used to work for the Dark Lord, and most likely still do. She's half French and loves anything girly and honestly I love her to death. Pansy has light brown hair, which is a bob-cut, and hazel eyes.

My other best friend is Theodore Nott, or Theo as we call him. He's a bit weird, but we all get used to it. He has dark brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes, so in other girls definitions, he's hot. He doesn't like anyone right now, but I'm positive that he has a crush on someone whose in a different house, and is forbidden to like. Kind of like Draco and Granger.

"Hey guys!" I said cheerfully, interrupting the whispered conversation they we're having, and also scaring them half to death.

Theo screamed like a little girl, while Pansy yelped and jumped back, much to my amusement. I started howling with laughter.

"Andromeda!" Pansy shrieked, but jumped up and hugged me. I was still laughing when she pulled away.

"Hey Pansy! Hugs Theo?" I asked still grinning.

He grumbled but pulled me into a one arm hug. "You scared me half to death Black." He replied, and my grin grew even wider.

"That was kinda the point." I replied with a small laugh. "Did I miss anything important?"

"Well, except the fact that the food trolley came by."

"What?! You better have gotten me something." I accused her, and she grinned.

"Don't worry, I got you all your favorites."

"Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Botts Flavor Beans, Pumpkin Pasties and Jelly Slugs." Theo chimed  in.

I plopped down next to Pansy, and Theo sat back down across from us. "So, whose the prefects for the other houses?" Pansy demanded. "I want to know everything."

"Well, for Ravenclaw there's Patil and Goldstein," I began.

"Oh her? She's only starting to get popular because some of the boys think she's hot." Pansy said with a snort.

"And because she went with Weasel to the Yule Ball last year." Theo added. "She's friends with him, and so that makes her close to Potter. But now, she's going way down the popularity list."

It wasn't uncommon for us to gossip about people's popularity. Some people that were popular just didn't make sense, and with all the mess Potter caused, perhaps we could rise our selfs up to the top. We weren't the nerds of the school or anything, but we weren't as popular as Potter or Weasel either. We really just wanted to win the teachers favor so we would not get into much trouble when we pulled pranks, or when we didn't turn in homework or something, but with OWLs coming up, I doubt we'd be able to do something about not turning homework.

"And Goldstein! Why did Dumbledore pick Goldstein?"

"He's smart? I think?" Theo replied with a smile.

"Macmillan and Abbott from Hufflepuff." I paused waiting for the comments coming.

"Draco and I from Slytherin." I added, and both smiled.

"Nice!" Pansy said. "You got your cousin! You guys will solve all of life's problems when doing patrol."

I smirked, not letting her know about the change yet. "And Granger and Weasley from Gryffindor."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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