Syron's Call

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Keegan’s feet were stretched over mine as he leant back into the couch, crossing his arms under his head. “Ah, I just love Saturday mornings with you.” He laughed and closed his eyes, shifting his legs a bit. I was the girl in this relationship we had together and he treated me like one even though I was a guy. “Hey Syron? He whispered to me, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.

“Yeah?” My voice was a bit weird sounding as if I was nervous. How could I be nervous around someone who I’ve loved my entire life? I shifted so I was lying on his chest. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and smiled, sighing happily. He didn’t say anything at first and neither did I. We were both too comfortable to break the silence.

The fan above us blew cool air down, cooling us off from the hot weather. Sunny Florida was the worst during the late spring days. Both Kee and I were wearing out dark blue capris that we had bought together a few weeks ago. While I was wearing a blue form fitting v-neck and light sweatshirt on my top half, Kee was stripped down to just a sleeveless grey t-shirt that he had pulled up to his chest. He was so cute.

I played with the edge of his shirt, waiting impatiently for him to tell me what was going on. Though the two of us were still young, we were very mature for our age. Kee lost his mother a few years ago and he was forced to grow up and because the two of us were so close, I felt like I needed to grow up too.

He took another deep breath; this one feeling a bit forced as if he was crying. I sat up and leant over him, staring right into his eyes. Tears fell from his beautiful blue eyes, rolling down his face as his smile formed into a frown. “I’m moving Ronny…”

From birth, the two of us had never been separated. Almost thirteen years of staying close had made us fall in love at age seven. We swore to protect each other no matter what and that’s exactly what we did. Since I was weaker and younger than he was, he would have to do most of the protecting. But when I had to, I kept him in line. When we finally started dating at age nine, our parents didn’t agree, or at least at first they didn’t. Time passed and they noticed the love between us, slowly accepting the fact that their sons were gay.

After all that time we had spent together, he was being taken away from me. To a point, I had seen this coming. Though it may have seemed like we were meant to be, I knew that this day would come; the day I would have to say goodbye to my other half forever. I wasn’t prepared to do that.

“What do you mean; you can’t be moving!” My eyes began to water, spilling down my cheeks and dripping onto his chest. His lower lip quivered as he closed his eyes and pressed his hands against his against them.

“I’m sorry… I broke our promise.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2012 ⏰

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