Chapter 1

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Paul still couldn't believe that she had betrayed him. After all this time he had loved her and yet his heart was broken. He took out piece of parchment and wrote
'You were the one for me,
I gave you my heart
I showed you my world
But you have taken the light from me
I trusted you
I gave you my heart
But you filled it with darkness
Darkness that still haunts me
Will I be able to come out?
Will it engulf me?
After all these years
I hope I will see the light again
And give my heart to someone who truly loves me.'
He re-read this and decided to put it in a box. Now it became darker as the clouds covered the sun. It looked like it was going to rain. So, he went out and left his stuff in the restaurant, the name of the restaurant was Lepvoa restaurant this resort was in a hill called Lepvoa it was really pleasant place and people usually gathered here to see the Himalayas or the sun set, however; there were very few people here as the weather looked bad. Paul left his bag in the restaurant and hurried out, on the opposite side of restaurant was a way that leads to the forest. Nevertheless, Paul knew their favorite spot as they had visited the place many times. Finally when he reached the spot, he touched the tree where P and A was engraved in heart shape. He then searched for a stone and then started to remove the drawing.
Paul could feel his heart tighten but he continue to erase it. There was a low rumble overhead, he threw the stone aside after scratching and began to dig, and then buried the letter which was in the box. Then he covered with the mu. After that he wiped his tears and then he headed back to the restaurant and to his astonishment he saw Emily at the doorstep of the resort. She was a bit shorter than Paul and she had long hair that reached her shoulders and she wore specks.
"There you are." Emily said. "I had a feeling you would come here."
Paul did not reply he went inside and took his bag pack.
"Don't ignore me," she said as Paul headed down towards the parking area. Now it got really dark but it still did not rain.
"I am not ignoring you," Paul said trying to hold his tears.
"But you are and you didn't answer my call, nor told me where you went or anything, I was worried about yo-"
"Worried" Paul scoffed. "No one cares, why should I-" before Paul could say another word Emily interrupted "Of course I am worried, isn't it time to move on, you are acting like as if she is the only one who cares for you and you have no life anymore." She said angrily.
Paul entered the car but did not answer. Emily sat on the passenger seat. "Sorry, I-I just don't know anything anymore. How would you feel if someone did what she-she did to me?" Paul said now he was in a verge of crying so he put his face on the car handle.
"I know how it feels," Emily said softly. "But there is always something to look forward to, you know that I too was betrayed, well not the same way as you but-"
"Sorry," Paul said feeling guilty. "I know I should move on, but it's so hard." He said weakly. Drip-drip drip. It had started to started to rain.
"Well, who knows what will happen in future, I know it will take time to heal. Don't worry you know we are here for you." She said and patted Paul.
"I know," he said feeble, at that moment Emily hugged him and comforted him. Paul hugged her back tighter and he felt much more comfortable. When he was calm he asked "Should we go to my home?"
"Yeah, sure," Emily said and as they drove towards their home it started to rain more heavily.
Within 20 minutes they reached Paul's home. They entered to house quickly as they could after Paul had parked. Paul's house four floors, they had four bedrooms a kitchen and roof where they could see the breathtaking view of the Himalaya. Paul's room was on the fourth floor and his parents were on the ground floor. As they entered the home Paul shouted "MOM-DAD, I AM HOME," but there was no reply.
"They must have gone for work," Paul said. The wind whistled through the gaps. "Whats the time?" Paul asked.
"It's three," Emily replied as they went up to Paul's room. His room was spacious and as they entered towards the left side was the washroom door and right side was the bed and beside the bed there was study table near the window, and on the opposite side was the balcony where they could go out and see the view.
Paul threw his bag on the bed and sat next to it and then laid down. Emily sat next to him. Paul didn't speak as he just stared at the ceiling.
"Whats up?" Emily asked.
"Where did I go wrong? Did I not treat her right? And what about Luis? I thought he knew about us? I cared for him, didn't I?" Paul asked.
Emily sighed "Well I don't blame Luis much, but I do blame April, because she knew what she was doing or at least she should have stopped Luis-"
"What about you, why did you break up?" Paul interrupted.
"We broke up long time back, almost four years now. He keeps telling me he wants me and sends me messages, the last message that I said to him was we always fight for no reason and you keep lying to me so I feel it's no use to continue this relationship and after that he hasn't texted me yet." Emily said and sighed.
"Why can't someone just love forever? Why does it have to be so complicated?" Paul said, it was more like he asked himself then to Emily.
"Are you still talking to Luis even if he is staying in this house," Emily asked.
"Well, he is my brother, I do talk to him. Not as often as I used to though," he said as his mouth became dry.
"What happened exactly?" Emily asked.
"It's a long story." Paul said lazily.
"Come on, we have the whole day." Emily said.
'I want to tell her everything but I don't know what she will say at the end of the story, I didn't even say we got back together once after all the break up and everything, should I tell her everything' Paul wondered and he decided he had to be honest with her because even though at one time Paul and Emily did not talk for a long time she was there for him.
"Okay, I will tell you everything," Paul said and smiled weakly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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