The Fire In My Heart

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                      CHAPTER 1

(The cold dead body lay motionless in my arms.The bullet right next to his heart.My body covered with his blood.I should have saved him but I didn't. I slowly get up crying. I turn behind me to see my friends and they come to embrace me.His blood covering all of us.I always think about it.I stand there helplessly waiting, waiting for something to happen. I didn't do anything just let the blood run out of him.) (flashback ends) "That's why I don't date anyone anymore," I said."But Willow you don't have to be scated anymore, I'm here and I have feelings for you, I love you,"Blaze said as I was walking away. I stop turn around and just walk off. I love him too but I don't want anything to happen to him."Wait Willow,"Blaze says as he runs towards me. "Yes," I say whispering to him. He grabs me and kisses me. The best moment. I pull back shaking my head remembering what happened before "This isn't the right thing," I say running away with tears flowing down my face. "Willow,"Blaze says as he is chasing me down the street, as people stare at us. I run and turn into the nearest alley and break down crying. He walks over to me, picks me up and hugs me. "Willow it's ok nothing will happen to me,"Blaze said staring into my watery blue gray eyes."Something will happen Blaze, it always does," I say holding my head in my hands. "Blaze I got so in love I didn't realize that my brother was trying to tell me that my ex-boyfriend was working against me to kill me.My brother shot him. The part I regret the most. is that I shot my brother," I said almost in a hush sort of tone. "I didnt know, is that why you love alone and are so shy?" Blaze said in a worried tone but didn't show it. "Yeah I just don't want anything like that to happen again," I said still crying looking down at the ground with my face all red.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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