Pie Lovers

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    Sam packed up to leave the bunker, making sure to pack his collection of deadly, monster killing weapons.
    "I'll see you guys in a few days. Stay safe!" He shouted as he shut the door behind him. He was nervous to hunt alone, but it was important that someone be there to stay with Cass. Being human made Castiel vulnerable, and with the angels out for blood, the Winchesters thought it best for him to be accompanied by one of the two. Of course Dean stayed, after all, Castiel and him share a more profound bond.
    "So how are you feeling?" Dean asked with deep concern. He watched the ex-angel sip his coffee, not daring to look away from the adorable sight.
    "Dean I'm fine." Castiel stated blatantly, his eyes unmoving from his mug.
    "Yeah sure." Dean said, finally finding the will to look away from the beautiful man in front of him. Castiel was not fine, and they both knew it. "Hey, maybe we could go into town today." Dean suggested playfully, eyeing Castiel, hoping for some reaction.
    "Do you think it wise to leave? The angels could be on my trail already, Dean."
    "Doesn't matter. I've got enough fight in me to take a few down. Besides, it's fall, and fall means fresh pies." Of course it wasn't really the pie that Dean wanted. He wanted Castiel to have pie, and to actually taste it now that he was human. Dean's burning desire to give Castiel the full human experience overrides his love for pie.
    "I suppose a short trip wouldn't hurt." Castiel looks away from his beverage, up to the dazzling hunter in front of him. He was glad that it was Dean who had stayed behind.

    "Mmm... you smell that Cass?" Dean looked to the ex-angel strolling beside him. Castiel nodded vigorously in reply, excited to be in the busy market, full of wonderful human foods. Dean smirked, the sight of the innocent excitement on Castiels face made him look delicious enough to eat.
    "Dean, what is that?" Castiel's arm forming an arrow, pointed to an apple pie.
    "Only THE best food in the world!" Dean gave Castiel a light bump of the shoulder, then lowered his hand to the small of his back and guided him to the pie stand. "American apple pie..." Dean sighed whimsically, glancing at Castiel, only to be met by the mans face a little too close to his own.
    "Dean... I need pie." Castiel seemed commanding despite his awe.
    "Alright let's get one to share. One apple pie please." Castiel smiled hugely, watching as Dean pulled his wallet out and paid for the treat.

    "Hey slow down buddy." Dean watched as Castiel gulped down another huge bite of pie. "So, how does it taste?" Dean gave a small smile.
    "Dean... this is so amazing. I didn't know humans could create things like this!" Castiel then stopped eating and looked Dean in the eyes now. "This makes me... very happy."
    Dean blushed as Castiel held eye contact, dismissing the pie to stare deeply at him.
    "I'm glad you are here with me Dean. Thank you for the pie." Castiel moved his mouth to say more, but hesitated and then went back to his pie.
    "I'm glad I'm with you too Cass. Oh.... you have a little.." Dean's voice trailed off as he reached to Castiels cheek, and wiped off a pie crumb. "Here let me just, fix that for you..." Dean moved in for an unsure kiss, afraid that Castiel would not be interested in being more than friends.
    As their mouths connected, Castiel leaned farther across the table in order to be closer to Dean, who was currently trailing his tongue along Castiels lower lip, licking off the excess pie.
    "Dean, I..." Castiel broke the kiss and stood up. He marched to Deans chair, and pulled him up by the collar of his flannel.
    "Cass I'm sorry. It-it won't happen again." Dean was ashamed, but quickly he caught on, as Castiel landed another passionate kiss between them. They stayed like that together for a moment, caught in a deep and loving kiss, the taste of pie lingering between them.
    "Let's get another pie shall we?" Castiel grabbed Deans hand and they both smiled.

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