Void,Prologue Part 1: Jez

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This is my first story ever, so, it's just a test, if you find any bad literature, grammar mistakes, typos, or any bad storywriting, try to kindly point it out in the comments.

 Some time (But not so much time.) ago... There was a kid named "Jez".

He was a kid with dreams, hopes, wishes, just like everyone. But he was special... but he just didn't know it.

He liked doing things like drawing, creating, etc. He was a producer, not a consumer.

Once he decided to make a character, what he didn't know is that from that character would come another character. And another one. And another one. and it repeats and repeats.

He reapeated it, until creating an entire world, or, universe.

He kept doing it over and over, until he was satisfied, he liked what he had done, he had made a character, a story, and lots of other characters.

He was satisfied with it,but something lacked in all of it... he just couldn't... put his finger on it and point it out... he always kept day and night thinking about it... but he still didn't know.

Remember to comment and point out the errors and what you like about it!

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