Chapter 1

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" Go back to your room Elizabeth", said my mom.

This was the one time I didn't listen to my mother, I needed to protect her.

When I turned 8, my mom and dad started to fight, argue, my dad would go out and get drunk, and repeat. But now I was 13 and I could stand up for myself and my mom.

There it was in the hallway with me, my mom, and my drunk and angry dad. He was mad for no reason and he just kept yelling. He had one hand in the air ready to strike and the other hand with scotch.

" STOPPP THIS!!!", I yelled at the top of my lungs.

The only thing that my yelling did was stop only that one hit, who knows what he might do next.

"Maybeishouldgobacktothebarandgetanotherdrink", my dad mumbled to himself before finishing the scotch.

He didn't know how to dispose of the glass bottle so he just threw at the wall, meaning to ONLY hit the wall

The same wall my mom was backed up against....

Next thing i remember, theres blood on the floor
My mom laying down.
And my screaming....


I had woken up panting and crying my eyes out.

I usually had that dream almost every week and I would do anything to make it stop.

I looked at the time and it was 7:09 am.


Im supposed to be at school at 8 and it took me 1 hour to get ready and 15 minutes to get there.

I pulled the sheets off me and ran to the bathroom to run the shower.

While, the water was getting hot, I grabbed a banana and scrolled through my social media.

While on Facebook, I saw a TON of pictures of the party at Zayn Malik's house.

Then there was one picture that caught my eye, my boyfriend, Brian with a ratchet whore and he had a drink in his hand.

Why in the world would he go to one of those parties without even telling me?! Brian was the sweater vest, study, with abs type of guy. But overall, he wasn't the kind of guy to go get drunk. We HAD to talk the second I get to class.

Im impressed with myself, I got ready in 20 mins! My outfit today, was some gray leggings, a flowy, floral blouse, a leather jacket, and some black flats. I didn't do anything special with my hair, just wore it in a messy bun. And my makeup was just the usual, red lipstick, foundation, mascara, and winged eyeliner.

Grabbed my purse and headed out the door.


I parked my BMW and started to speed walk to the school. I was 10 minutes late!

There hanging out in front of the school were Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Ed Sheeran, and Harry Styles.

I never understood those guys. They got drunk, had a billion tattoos and piercings, never tried to succeed in school, and slept with a different girl every night.

I tried to avoid there stares and flirting but being myself, I looked at them.

Once they noticed I didn't want anything to do with them, most of them just turned around and continued with their conversation except for a curly haired boy.

As I opened the door, I saw the guy was still staring at prohibited places.


I rolled my eyes, and without looking back, I said, " Eyes up here Styles."

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