1. Plague Knight X Reader one-shot - Alchemy

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(For anybody who IS in the Shovel Knight fandom...uh...just pretend Mona doesn't exist.)

On a windy autumn's night in the Pridemoor village, a cool breeze flew over your face and blew through your hair. You gad been running towards a house, not too far from the village, that had once belonged to a family of poor mole people but had been destroyed a while back by your work partner...but for a purpose. What was that purpose?

You were here because your work partner, or a certian bird-masked alchemist, had invited you over to his secret Potionarium hidden under the village to test out some new potions your partner had conjured up. There was a secret passageway in the pile of burnt wooden beams that lead there.

As you ran through the quiet village, your (H/L) (H/C) hair flowed behind you. You were wearing a long, black cloak to match your outfit:


(Imagine this dress, but the blue part is your favirite color.)

Running there, thoughts seemed to dance in your mind...mostly ones of seeing your partner, Plague Knight, for the first time in three months. As you thought of him, you slowed down a bit, smiling and blushing to yourself. You couldn't deny, you've always had a huge crush on him. You loved his dorkiness, and his adorable little cackle...just thinking about it made you giggle to yourself. He was also very smart, which was another trait you loved, and how his little mask reminded you of a bird...


You had ran into the house while you were lost in your thoughts. A wooden beam you ran into had hit your face and gave you a bruise on your cheek. You clenched a hand over it as you winced in pain, and soon noticed small splinters that had peirced your delacate skin. You picked them out of your cheek as small amounts of blood dripped from it.

"Owww...owowow..." you ised your handkercheif to dry the blood, and when you were certian it was gone, went down the secret passageway.

As you reached the Potionarium, still rubbing your cheek, a weird feeling washed over you. Your stomach felt as if millions of little butterflies were fluttering around happily inside of it, your heart beat faster and your face seemed to glow with blush. You never had the idea that just the sight of a person could make you feel so many emotions at once.

"Hello, Plague...It's (Y/N)," you said to your partner. He was currently standing on a couple of books, leaning over the edge of a large black cauldron due to his short size. The alchemist heard your voice and quickly turned.

"Ah, (Y/N), I was waiting for y-"

He stopped, noticing the bloody bruise on your face.

"(Y-Y/N)? What happened?" He stammered, running up to you with a look of fear in his eyes.

"It's nothing, I just ran into a beam if wood when I was getting here...I'm fine, really," you said, as he was reaching for a healing potion in one of his cabinets.

That was something else you liked. He was very caring, and would go the distance to make sure his allies were ok. The butterflies seemed to spring back into action as Plague Knight stood on his tippy-toes, pressing a washcloth damp with healing potion against your cheek. You soon touched the area where there was once a bruise, and felt nothing.

"Wow...thanks, Plague. You're a real helpful guy," you saud, smiling warmly to him.

His squeaky voice seemed to quiver, and you could see a bit of a dorky smile under his mask.
"I-It's nothing, really..."

"Well, it means a lot to me, honestly..."

You both stood in silence for a while, staring into eachothers eyes and feeling a soft blush creep up on your face.

"...well, I suppose it's time to get to w-work..." Plague stammered, turning to his cauldron. He dipped a test tube into the cauldron, and it came out filled with a bright pink liquid that had a sweet smell to it.

"Ooh...what kind of potion is this?" You asked, looking it over as Plague handed it to you.

"It's...um...a floating potion? Yes, floating." He said confidently. You could tell that it wasn't really what he said it was by the tone of his squeaky, cracking voice.

"But we've already made a floating potion...?"

"Yes, yes, but this one is...enhanced. I added more dragon tears."

"Floating potion doesn't call for dragon tea-"

"Please just drink it, (Y/N)!" He said anxiously, putting his fingers together in an awkward stance.

You agreed and took a sip of the test tube. You started to feel a funmy feeling inside of your core...and then you fell to the side, everything around you turning dark. The last thing you heard was Plague yelling your name and hurrying towards you.

"(Y-Y/N)? (Y/N), please tell me you can hear me..."

You opened your eyes to see your partner standing over you. You were laying on the ground of the Potionarium, the shards of a brolen test tube next to you.

"What happened...?" You said, looking around.

"Oh, (Y/N), thank goodness!" The alchemist cheered, embracing you in a warm hug.

"Plague...can you please tell me what that potion really was?"

You could see Plague's cheeks glow red under his mask.

"W-well...uh...you see...I've had a...big, stupid crush on you ever since I met you...and that potion you drank a bit ago was a...l-love potion. Because I thought you would never love me back...and I definately used the wrong amount of witch hazel...uh..." he was staring at his feet, in that awkward stance once more.

"Oh, Plague...you don't need a love potion for me to love you, I've...had a big crush on you, as well."
You felt your cheeks flushing with red.

"R-Really?" The alchemist stammered.

"Yeah..." you said, sitting up. You faced Plague and smiled warmly. You could tell he was smiling back.

You both stared at eachother for a while. But soon, you got the courage to lean forward, pull up his mask a bit, and start kissing him passionately. He starting blushing a deep red and soon was kissing back. You wraped your arms around his neck as his went down to your waist. After a bit, you parted, and he quickly pulled his mask back down to cover the blushing mess he was.

"W-Wow...that was...great..." he stammered, and you agreed.

"I...love you." You told him softly.

"I love you too, (Y/N)."


(YEEEEEP That's over-)

(Sorry it was kind of long...and kind of bad...I was typung this really late at night and kind of got sloppy on some of the details. Anyqays, not my best work, but I'm still prettu proud of it. Cheers, friends~)

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