♦ ONE ♦

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The Dragon Scam

I don't even remember how I got here?

I'm in a wizards layer and this guy is trying to pawn me off as a dragon. I look around and these people come running over to me. They start petting me.

I was going to growl at the little boy before the dragon keeper whispers, "Do it and you get the shocker."

"Oh, that is the cutest little dog I've ever seen."

"Hey, boy." The older boy says to me as he pets my head.

I didn't care that the boy called me a boy, he looks so cute. "Not only is she cute but she's a dragon."

The three look at the man and he continues, "That's right, a mythical creature and a dog combined. Now tell me, how many would you like?"

The girl wizard looks at the man and says," We're just looking."

"Is it a dragon or is it a dig?" The little boy asks the man.

"It was charmed to look like a dog." The man looks at the little boy and says, "Beat it."

"Okay how are we going to have a dragon-dog? Mom would freak out." The older boy asks the girl.

"If you guys buy right now, I'll throw in a smoke detector, and a small device that cuts tomatoes." The man says, saying the word tomato really weirdly.

The two older wizards start to bicker about to get me or not before the older boy says, "When I was 7, he got lost, and I swore I'd never love another dog again."

"I gotta go." He says as he walks out of the lair.

The girl  walks over to the man and says, "Justin's​ gonna love me for this."

"But Justin just said he didn't ​want a dog." The little boy says to the girl.

"Trust me, Justin wants a dig."

"Trust her, Justin wants a dog." The man says and he strokes my back weirdly.

"Here's 5 million cubicks in U.S Currency." She hands the man her money. "Oh, I know the exchange rate. I order form Abercrombie and witch catalogue all the time."

"Good, your five second warranty just ended right now." He says and then just disappears leaving me with my new home.

"Let's find you a nice doggie sweater to match that cute doggie face." The girl wizard says as she walks over to a computer.


The girl wizard went out and got me a leash and a stupid collar. I want to bite her face off and make her wear the collar. The girl opens the door and brings me inside their home.


I walk over to Justin and rub my side against his leg. He gives in and agrees to go along with Alex's plan to say she found me.

And that's what they told their parents. They actually thought I was just a dog, but I'm not a dog. I'm a werewolf.

I want them to know that. I just wish I knew how to change back.

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