Hey Guys!

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Sooo.....I decided to take a break from my story real quick to get a little breather in and I am making an art book to show you all my pictures!

If you guys like my drawings I'll make a second book. And if you don't....well I'm still gonna make another book when I have the time.

For all of you who didn't know....yes, I can draw. And sing. And plenty of other things that I've never probably mentioned before. I also love anime, and enjoy making my own show ideas and characters from original ideas from scratch.

[A Little History of My Life.....]

At the age of 3, I began to get into the art of music and art itself. I self taught myself how to draw and have gotten better ever since I was a toddler. As for the singing....I don't know, it just comes naturally and I got from my family. What else can I say?......😌

Anyways, hope you all check out my art book and I will make a second book, preferably for 2018. Also, these pictures are random so it's not like I have like a section of specific types of pictures....just tune in for the next chapter and you'll see!

All right, see you guys later! Peace out!

 Artwork: The Book of Faith | 2016-2017Where stories live. Discover now