Chapter 1 Pea Girl

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Sitting in her room alone she thought about life, and the promises it held. The promises that were always broken by the cruel nature of humans. Scared of facing those selfish beings once again, in a place known as, school.

Seemingly easy enough, though now so terrifying. The mask she wore at school, a fake smile on her face, somehow drained all her energy with little sympathy from others, or at least, it seemed that way. She constantly forced her sense of humor to overpower the overwhelming depression that pierced her heart, and burned inside her.

The emotional turmoil she was in would not compare to the emptiness she felt, she lacked love and had little energy to continue this game of pretend. Her “friends” selfish and petty, and her family seemed to be unable to help her, she could not feel love. Whether or not it was there did not matter if she couldn’t feel it.

When she was younger she held onto her imagination, which was able to spawn life out of thin air, and create beings, people, that would love and protect her from the outside world. It helped her feel excepted, though all good things come to an end. Reality would hit, the human vanished, and the fake love disappeared into the real world, which had been so cruel to her. She could only hold onto the dream for so long…

Looking at the stars she’d stare, wondering if there would ever be anyone to care about her. Not for her grades or the clothes she wore, not for the activities she was involved in, but her. Someone to care about her just because she was Jackie.

Maybe things would get better. They had to. Not everyone could be so cruel. God must have someone out there for me. She’d think to herself. Someone who will love me for who I am, through my faults and failures and see that I’m not a terrible person as others have claimed me to be. Why must people be so quick to judge others that are less than perfect to their standards, and why did I have to care?

She wished on so many stars that life would get better. And one day, that wish came true…

*              *                *

Walking in circles at the back of her property, the young brunette kept her mind occupied by coming up with little stories and scenarios to put herself into.

Her friends were mostly people that weren't real or people that had been dead for a long time, but lived on in her mind. The real people she knew all thought she was weird. Even her parents thought that to some extent. But mostly it was the other kids in the youth group she went to. Whenever they had teams for games, she always got picked last.

No one really bothered to remember her name; she was just "the quiet girl". Part of the reason she was quiet was because she was shy. The other reason was because no one would listen to her even when she did speak up. When she really thought about it, she figured that she was shy because she wasn't around people that much. And that was because whenever she was, they made fun of her. So it was really a lose lose situation.

All she wanted was a friend that wouldn't make fun of her and would be like a sister. Then she found just such a friend...

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