Hetalia - Canada and his bear

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Ok so this is just a short story that I thought of hope you like it!

Mathew Williams was a pale looking Canadian boy who had blond  hair with violet eyes. He offten got picked on for what his brother has done. Most people at first glance thought that Matthew was his brother Alfred. You see Alfred and Matthew are twins. But enough of that this story is about Matthew and his pet polar bear Kumajirou. The story starts where Matthew was walking home after being beat up by Cuba. "Ugh I hate my brother!" Mubbled the Candian. "I just wish people would stop mistaking me for him!" mubbled the Candian again as he unlocked the door and walked inside and sat down on the couch."Who are you?" asked Kumajiroi as he walked over to the couch. "I'm Canada/Matthew your owner" Matthew said as he started to fall asleep. A couple hours later Matthew woke up to crashing and banging in the kitchen. Matthew got up to see what was going on. when he got into the kitchen Matthew couldn't believe his eyes. The kitchen was a mess and the crashing and banging was from his pet polar bear. He had got his head stuck in a honey pot and was trying to get it out. Matthew couldn't help but laugh at how funny it looked. "Oh Kuma" Matthew giggled as he tired to grab the bear who crashed into a cupboard door. "Help" Kuma mubbled as he crashed into the cupboard again. Matthew was finally able to grab Kuma and pulled the honey pot off his head."Kuma now what just do you think you were doing?" said Matthew. "I  got hungry and didn't wanna wake you so i found something to eat by my self" Kumajirou said prodly. "It looks like you ate everything we had" sighed Matthew. Kumajirou started licking the honey off his fur.  Matthew stood up and shaked his head while looking around the kitchen. Matthew sighed again, "Guess I better start cleaning up". Matthew went to go get the mop to start cleaning up with Kumajirou following along. After Matthew finshed cleaning up he then noticed the bear prints all over the house from when Kuma was following him. Matthew looked at Kumajirou who was siting on the floor looking at his owner. Matthew this time told Kuma to stay where he was then cleaned up the paw prints. After the candian was finished with that he then picked up the very dirty polar bear who was now not white but a mixtare of colors. Kumajirou sqealed with protest as he was being lifed. The candian ignored the sqeal but walked towards the bathroom. Once in the bathroom he put Kuma in the bathtub and started running the water. After Kuma was bathed and dried the Candian got ready for bed. A few minitues after Matthew crawled into bed he felt Kuma crawl up beside him. Matthew smiled hugging Kumajirou. Not thinking about what happened today he just dug his face into Kumajirou's fur smiling. Matthew though "I'm so glad to have a friend like Kuma!" 

                                                                       ~~~THE END~~~

Ok yes I now this is really bad but I wanted to try writing a fanfic so here it is....

Constive critisum would be nice (think I spelled it right)

P.S.: Sorry for any spelling mistakes :3

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2012 ⏰

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