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Alight mist. 

Evade the chilled wind. 

The soft ground will welcome you. 

And the leaves will dance with you into the river. 

Dampen the faces of those two sitting on the bridge. 

With their feet dangling above the slowly flowing water. 

One would think it stood still. 

Alight upon the ground.

And open heaven for them. 

So they may see the universe in each other's eyes. 

And the river Styx below them. 

Alight mist.

Muffle their steps as they walk by the river’s edge. 

Moisten their faces and palms. 

Cover them with your kiss. 

Suffer them walk your hallowed halls. 

Bind their hands together. 

Now pause mist. 

Stay yourself an eternity. 

Capture this perfect moment. 

Even if by doing so, they can live no more. 

Or continue mist. 

And doom forever this moment to memory. 

To fade with the passing of time. 

Alight mist. 

Muffle their steps as they leave you behind. 

Evade the chilled wind. 

The soft ground will welcome you. 

And the leaves will dance with you into the river.

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