bloody days

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hello there reader I'm talking directly to you for now if you think this is another teen vampire love story you are wrong I am here to tell you the tale of a thirteen year old girl called Annie and her friend James who happens to be a vampire but we'll get into that later so let's set the scene Annie had left her abusive father to live with her mother in Ireland. Derry to be exact so it was the first day of secondary school ( or middle school for Americans) she was ecstatic but a little nervous at the same time so when she went to the bathroom brushed her teeth looked in the mirror at her her light Brown hair and big blue eyes and her slightly tan skin (as she was originally from Florida ) she said to her self don't worry your here to make a fresh beginning for yourself so make it how you want. precisely an hour later she arrives at her bus stop there are three people at the bus stop a short girl with glasses and dark brown hair almost black and there is also two boys standing there brothers by the look of them they both have curly ginger hair, they look a little on the jerk side the girl starts talking to Annie.

hi there you must be new she says with sweetness. yeah its my first day I came here from America. cool she says what's your name. my name is Annie thats cool my names Jendre she exclaims so whats a girl from the us doing in a rough place like Derry.

just living with my mom Annie exclaims. really Jendre says where's your dad. I'd prefer not to talk about it.

So after five minutes of back and forth conversation the bus arrives Annie inspects the bus driver he looks like a very stressed older man complete with a reciding hairline but something about him was strange she couldn't tell what it was about him.

Annie got on the bus sat beside a pale nerdy looking guy with glasses

she said hi to the strange boy he looked at her for a moment as though analysing her then he said well you must be from America most likely Florida from the skin tone and the injection marks on your arm. Annie was taken aback by this, she wasn't expecting a sentence that strange to be said right then and there, so anyways james sparks up. What are your hobbies. I'm snapped out of my daze. I like video games, anime and stuff like that you probably don't know what anime is. James looks aghast. Of course I do if we're going to be friends please keep the stupid questions to a minimum.

So after taking back and forth about anime the bus arrives at school. I ask james where I should go and in reply he leads me to the assembly hall.

I show him my time table it turns out that I am the class over from him so the subject classes we share are the mandatory one ie. Science, English, maths.

I sit with him and his friends, hannah and dean.

Hannah has frizzy ginger hair doesn't wear make up and likes anime she also wears glasses big thick black ones. Dean is very good looking , he's got blonde hair and big dark brown eyes almost black.

Hey new person I'm not sane I swear belts out hannah. This makes me giggle and say I'm Annie also not sane, dean pipes up is everyone forgetting about me I say hello dean.

Of finally I'm noticed, he exclaims dramatically

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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