Chapter 2

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I stood there, frozen for a moment before my mind started working in overdrive. My palms started sweating, my heart started skipping beats and butterflies flooded my stomach. 

''Can we talk,'' Justin asked, waving his hand infront of my face. Oh god, I was starring. He was shirtless now, and i couldnt help starring at his wonderfully smooth abs. If i could just run my fingers over them...NO. What the hell was I doing?! This is the same boy who broke my heart, brutally may i add, years ago.. But, I found myself nodding, moving to the side and letting him in. 

''Make it quick,'' I said, attempting to sound angry. It was obvious i was nervous, and he knew it because i saw him smirk as he walked past me. 

He walked around my room examining everything from the paintings; I was proud of for painting myself, to the self portraits my mom made me hang up on the wall. It made me look mature and slutty, but that was my mom, always making me wear things that showed my "gifts". I threw myself infront of a self-portrait, that he was examining, blocking it from his view. 

''Less looking, more talking,'' I said. He starred down at me and i was suddenly aware of how close we were. His grey eyes bore into mine, and i had to break away from his gaze. He started leaning towards me, putting both of his hands on either side of my head against the wall i was leaning against.

''I'm sorry, for what i did, i didnt mean it'' he whispered real close, his breath tickling my neck. I drew in a rigid breath and he leaned back to face me, his hands securely placed on the wall. He looked into my eyes, his eyes filled with humour. He wasn't doing this because he was sorry, he was doing this because he had to. He was afraid that i would ruin things between him and Shailey. 

I put my hands on his firm chest and leaned in close to his ear smirking; two can play this game, player.

''Prove it,'' I whispered, pleased when he shivered, laughing softly. I leaned back to see his reaction; he was confused. He just watched me for a minute, or god knows how long, letting his eyes travel around my face, taking in every inch. All I could think about was how bad I had to look that close up. 

''Next time, mean what you say Justin,'' I whispered again when he made no move to answer me or throw a comeback my way, this time looking him in the eye. Then i shoved him off of me. He clearly wasn't used to rejection. It was obvious that his way of obtaining forgiveness was charming his way through it. Not anymore, not with me. He smirked and walked out with a half-salute. 

Thats when my legs became jelly, the tough girl act slipping away. I leaned back against the wall, breathing hard. The things this boy does to me drives me nuts, and for once i had stood up to him, played his own game and had won.  

'' Cus I'll be table-dancing, this is your chance yeah, to be with me and you will see..'' 

My phone. Where the heck was it?! I looked around the room and finally saw it on my bed, basting out my lame ringtone. 

''Hello,'' I said answering the call. 

"Babe, it's me!"

It was my best friend, Ariana. 

"Hey Ari, what's up?"

"Ashley, Hannah, Andrea and I are coming over right now! We need to get our outfits together for the grad party tonight. It's the last day of school before the break so we're planning on ditching!"

I laughed into the phone, dwelling on whether or not I should skip classes with them.

 Oh, screw it, shopping sounds a hell of a lot more fun than sitting in class for 70 minutes while the teacher drones on and on about how much of a pleasure it was to teach us this year. 

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