Change me

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"Gimme another beer." "Are you sure you haven't had enough?" The bartender asked me. "I know when I had enough." I said angrily. "But I think I can handle a little alcoho..." Before I could finish my sentence everything started spinning. Bevor I could comprehend what was happening I hit the ground.

"Shit, are you okay?" A blue haired man who was about my age knelled down besides me. "Yeah I'm fine." I said while trying to get up, but I was still felling dizzy and fell again but this time he caught me. 

"Kaito, what are you doing?" A teal haired girl who had been sitting nearby came over, followed by a Pink haired girl. "Luka, make sure Miku gets home safely. I'm gonna have to get her home since she can't walk on her own." I didn't even protest this time when he picked me up bridal style. "You live nearby, right?" I nodded. He just carried me like I weight nothing while I navigated him towards my house. when we were there he took my key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. He went to my room and laid me down on my bed. He was about to leave when I grabbed his arm. "Please don't leave me alone." I whispered. He hesitated a second before sitting down besides me. "What's wrong?" He askes. Tears stated streming down m face. "Where to even begin. My family won't talk to me,I'm probably gonna lose my job and I can't get my alcohol problem under control. " He hugged me. "It's okay. It all be allright." I knew that that was not true but he sounded so optimistic that I could almost believe it. 

"When did you start drinking? Was there a reason?" "No, and that's the worst part. There was absolutly no no reason." He looked at me confusedly "Why is that the worst part?" "Because if there was a reason it would at least be understandable. I just started drinking because I was stressed. Beecause I could not hadle having a normale live." "Why won't your family talk to you anymore?" "Because of my alcohol proble. Theey say I have bad influence on my niece and my nephew, Rin and Len, and my little sister Mew and now I'm not allowed to see them anymore." I started sobbing uncontrolable. I just missed them so much. He hugged me. and once again told me that everything would be alright. "What about your job? Why are you gonna lose your job?"

"I'm a teacher, I work at a school nearby. I got in trouble for showing up to work drunk a few times. My boss sais he's gonna fire me if I show up drunk one more time."
"So you still have a chance to keep your job? If you stopped drinking you could see your family again?" He asked. He seemed to be so full of hope. Even thogh he just met me he seemed to believe in me.Great, another person who was going to be dissapointed in me.

"I'm Meiko, what's your name?" The question seemed to surprise him, but he already knew so much about me that telling him my name would not make a difference. "I'm Kaito."

"Kaito" I repeated. "Tell me something about yourself." He  seemed to think about it for a second before starting to talk. "I have many brothers. We always fight even though we are actually really close. The two girls you saw at the bar are my two friends, Miku and Luka. I have known Miku since Elementary school. " "Are you two dating?" Asking that was maybe a little inappropiate but I had already told him so much about myself that it seemed fair if he told me. "No. She's gay. That's how I met Luka. They have been dating for a few months now. I'm single." I was kinda reliefed that they were not dating, I was not sure why though.

He just continued telling me about his brothers. "So Akaito is really agressiv and sometimes randomly attaks people, Nigaito is still a child and-" "What about you?" "Well, I own an ice cream shop. I decided that that was what I wanted to do when I was still a child. I really love ice cream." I smiled. He looked so happy talking about ice cream. I just kept listening to him talk until I fell asleep. 

When I woke up the next morning he was sleeping next to me. I tried to get up but ended up waking him. "Good morning" He said cheerfully. "You are still here" I said. "Of course I am. You asked me to stay so I did" I just smiled.

When he was about to leave he suddenly took a piece of paper, wrote his number on it and handed it to me. "In case you need me to come over or just want to talk." He hesitated before continuing "Or if you want to go out."  I just stood there not knowing what to say and he left. 

I stared at all the beer I had at home. I took a deep breath before throwing it into the trash and getting ready for work. For the first time in a very long time I felt optimistic.

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