Joey pov
Me and daniel are sitting in our living room watching anime when we heard a noise (bang)"What was that?"I said obviously terrified. Daniel put his finger up to his mouth telling me to be quiet. He got up and walked across the room,I followed not far behind. He walked in to the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan holding it up ready to swing. We walked to the sliding glass door and opened it. Daniel poked his head out to see what was there and then his mouth dropped open,then he began to smile."What is it" I whispered. Still not getting an answer I walked past him and looked. There was a large group of people in our yard, but I couldn't tell who they were, seeing it was dark out sibe."Who's  there" I yelled. Then I saw someone put a flash light to there face and I instantly recognize them. It was tyler oakley,then tiki torches lit up and I saw all of my friends Liza, shane, gabbie, ricky and many other.
They all yelled. Putting a smile on my face. I ran over to tyler and hugged him,"What is this for" I asked "Because you have been the greatest friend and we all needed to party" and then the party began. We had cake and singing and we even jumped in the pool. Then daniel grabbed my hand and lead me to the center of the party, then he grabbed a spare mic and started talking."Hi can I have everyone's attention please, I have just want to say joey graceffa I love you and I want to spend my life with you". He then got on one nee and pulled out a ring." Joseph Michael Graceffa will you marry me" a smile spread across my face "yes" I yelled and he slipped the ring on my finger.

Hey guys so this is my first story and I hope you like it

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