I was taken aback, a lot of times

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I rushed my way into the classroom. I wasn't particularly late, but I couldn't wait to sit my butt down, and get rid of the incredibly heavy sling bag that rested on my shoulders. Peter gave it to me. He isn't really my friend, but we like each other's instagram posts, so that meant he could rely on me, and also I was the closest person standing near him when our PT teacher caught hold of him. He threw his bag at me and said,

"This has my hopes and dreams, Alex, keep it safe. I'll be back during lunch."

It made me feel pretty darn proud, honestly, so I shouted back,

"I'll hold on to it like my own damn life, Peter!"

After which somebody pushed me, and I, along with the bag, fell down.

Not my proudest moments, I admit.

"I'll probably take it back next period." Peter chuckled, as he followed the PT sir, to wherever he was going.

So anyway, I rushed into the classroom eager to open this bag. Curiosity killed the cat.

Thankfully, I'm Alex.

God, I'm so funny.

While I was busy chuckling at my own stupid joke, and wondering how much they pay the stand-up comedian down at Jake's Burgers, it took me a little time to realize that my seat was already taken.

"Hey, um, this is my-"

"This is my seat now. Oh, hey, Alex, I really need to make Susan fall in love with me, and have my babies, right? This is the only class we have together."

I glanced sideways at Susan, who sat next to me, completely engrossed in 'The Notebook'. Well, I guess she won't mind a little romance. "Um, okay, sorry."

He took my seat, why did I say sorry?
Don't ask me. I don't know.

"My seat is right over there, near the window. You'll love it."

"Um, okay. Thank you."

Thank you? I'm pathetic.

As I made my way towards his seat which I obviously wasn't gonna love one bit, my eyes landed on Froy, on the other side of the room, and the seat next to him, empty. I half walked, half ran my way there. The stupid bag was slowing down my pace, but there was no way in seven hells I was going to miss this opportunity.

Froy's mom, and my dad were going to get married next week, and we didn't once have a decent conversation. Truth be told, I was kind of excited. Froy was a big deal here. A perfect student, with perfect genes. He was good at everything, and to be associated with him in anyway made my chest a bit wider. I was excited, yes, and I wasn't going to hide it.

"Hi, bro!" I said, immediately regretting it as I saw his face. Did I make a fool of myself? Bro? Seriously Alex?

"This is my girlfriend's seat. Get up." He said, just as I sat my bag down. My eyes widened at how rude he sounded.

"She's not here." I shrugged. He lifted his eyebrow, and his lips twitched. Upwards, or downwards, I couldn't tell.

"I mean, she's out vacationing in Paris right?" I said. His eyebrows moved further up. "She's been posting pictures on Facebook. Everybody knows."

He unfolded his arms. "Yeah, everybody includes her boyfriend too. I know she's not here, which means I was subtlety telling you to get up and find some other place to sit."


All the admiration I had for him till a minute ago, came crashing down like all the sand castles I had ever build.

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