A Taste Of Summer

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"Summertime is always the best of what might be."

On a sunny, hot, windy day,

Chirping birds come my way.

The sun was shining so bright,

The time for everything to be alright.

I wanted to go out for fun,

I wish the clouds could beat the sun.

Summer crept across the housing ablaze,

Meeting the time of the day delays.

Morning's soft air, caresses a young face;

Touching everything with such care, in a quiet place.

With gentle firmness, you lay back at rest;

Like, it was some kind of test.

You rule the world, the sand is your seat, the waves kiss your feet;

Where it is hurled, the words do not cheat, this is where we meet.

My heart is frozen in this place,

Beating like a clock in pace.

Butterflies in my stomach, soaring up high;

The way you make me feel, I could never deny.

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.

It's the world's most beautiful thing, I wish to see;

But it's just the flawless beauty and we.

I get a feeling of the summer love, peaking into my life;

It is like the rock dove, pulling out a clasp knife.

Don't give up on it just yet,

Once it end, you'll be set.

The water level will get back,

The Earth will witness a life's hack.

The ground will heal,

The bridge will seal.

We have to just deal,

And, experience the feel.

He left a mark in my mind so honest,

My mind's going wild, like in a forest.

May the sun shine upon your soul,

And the summer breeze gently sing the song of romance.

Love vanquishes time, a moment can be eternity;

Eternity can be the tick of a clock.

Summer has come to an end,

It's just time for us to blend.

Wishing, it comes back again,

For, in my heart it always remain.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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