Me on a Monday [Chapter 1]

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Around and around my butter knife goes, spreading tons of Nutella on my pancakes. It's Monday, which means school. The only reason I do go is to see my friends and try to get a guy. I am single and have been since I was born.

I haven't had my first kiss.

I don't know what it's like to love someone.

I want to know.

"Lily! Did you use all the Nutella?" My twin brother screamed.

Here we go.

I looked into the empty Nutella jar and smiled, right before he came bursting into the room.

"Where is MY NUTELLA!!!" He ran over to the empty jar and picked it up for inspection. He started hugging it. "My precious baby, who did this to you?" I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Here, have this since you wont shut up!" I said popping the 'p'. I hand him one of my pancakes, boy, if looks could kill I'd be dead by now. But he takes it.

And stuffs it into his mouth.

Ewww, it's all over his chin.

Satisfied I won't get hungry again till Lunch I go to make some hot coco, I just HATE coffee it's too strong and it takes like weird trees. Apparently my brother seems to love it, parents too.

With my steaming hot mug of coco, I'm ready. My dumb uniform is on, it looks okay. I mean com'on it is a school uniform. Car keys in hand, Brother coming out of the house, and parents gone to work.

"JAMES! Hurry up we'll be late!" I said beeping the horn of my car, its a beauty, it won't be when I get my hands on a Ferrari. I turn up the radio, onto the pop music channel. Guess who starts playing?

One Direction.

I change the channel, in my opinion they suck. Just like Justin Bieber. But OneRepublic, Of Monsters and Men, 5SOS and Imagine Dragons are great, but I could go on.

Finally my brother decides to rear his head out of the front door, locking it.


I turn to look at my brother, he just slammed the door. I point at him.

"James Danika Lawrens, you are going to pay!" I screamed over the news stations talk show hosts.

He smirks.

He bloody has to smirk.

"I'll get you! Mark my words, say sorry and i'll drive you to school"

"If I don't" The smirk gets into one of those smiles that has every girl swooning.

Not me. Thank GOD for that!

"You're walking" I smirk.

Gotcha there bro. Ha ha.

He sighs runs his hand through his hair and rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry car, for slamming your door" He put his hand on the door and patted it.

"Ok let’s go"

Out the driveway we went, off to school. The drive wasn't that quiet, we talked back and forth about small things, he would even try to change the radio. I had to stop the car, I was at a red light. We fell into an awkward silence.

Until James spoke.

"So, do you think Casey is still mad at me?" Is he seriously asking me THAT?!!?! He wants me to help him with girlfriend advice? That is messed up, even more so that I haven't had a boyfriend yet. "How the hell would I know? Just talk to her, I guess" I took a sip of my coco, mmmm delicious.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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