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"The toughest thing in life is goodbye's. But know that some goodbye's aren't forever"

Dahlia sat on the cliffs edge, taking in the crisp air and watching the sea on. The waves washed upon the rocky grey shore. Her fingers fumbled with the cheap ring, her eyes watched the haunting object. It was like the pomegranate that kept Persephone in the underworld.

If she could have went back 4 years ago, when she was 17. Could she have a better life? Would her mother still be safe? Or would it all be worse?

Dahlia would never know, because she did what was best at the time. She slipped the ring onto her right index finger. Her own way of telling herself that it wasn't real.

The pale green eyes gazed down at the rocky shore. They watched a girl with golden hair capture every moment with a camera. Dahlia continued to watch the woman since no one ever really came to the beach in Maine during winter.

When her eyes left the blonde, focusing on the overcast sky. She let out a sigh, feeling like there was no escape from her life. Her phone buzzed from her black sweatshirt, and she frowned knowing it was Mark her arranged husband. Pulling the phone from her pocket, she looked at the message from him.

'Be home in a hour,you should have dinner ready.'

Dahlia frowned, it wasn't a question. It was an order. She jumped a little when she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to face the blonde she had seen once before "Hi I know this weird but I haft to ask permission before I send these in to my class but-" The blonde spoke being cut off by Dahlia.

"Sure go ahead"

"Really? You aren't going to look at them"

Letting out a sigh Dahlia, looked at the camera that was placed into her hands. The pictures where of her, they where quite amazing but Dahlia would never directly say that.

"Do you think I could get a copy of one of these?" Her eyes met the deep blue ones in front of her. The other woman's lips formed a smile "Of course I can get them printed tonight" She spoke softly. "I'm Elise by the way"


The two woman exchanged numbers and parted ways, as they had planned to meet at a botanical garden the next day. Dahlia walked down the sidewalk her hands continued to play with the fake ring. Until she faced the house in which she lived. It looked normal, it had a picket fence and roses decorating the bottom of the house, inside was where the trauma started.

As the hour flew by, Dahlia couldn't help but to think of Elise. Her mind seem to be stuck on this random girl, she wanted to know her story. Dahlia returned to reality when Mark came home. It was as if Hades him self entered the home. Dahlia did her best to stay out of his way and always tried to avoid the man. When she couldn't it was usually because she had to.

Dahlia stayed by her mothers side, it was the only place Mark couldn't hit her. Her mother laid in the bed. Dahlia sat next to her on a wooden chair, "Tell me about your day" The old woman spoke.

Dahlia smiled lightly "It was good mom, I met a girl today" Dahlia answered, she thought about Elise and placed her hand on her mothers. "Was she lovely?" Her mom asked her voice was very shaky but her old blue eyes stayed on Dahlia's.

"I guess so"

The rest of the night Dahlia kept to herself hoping and praying Mark was too tired to want to do anything. She was wrong because the next morning Dahlia woke up with bruises around her back. Getting up she stood in front of the mirror examining her body. Looking at the green bruises which where healing but also looking at the deep purple bruises.

"YOU WHERE WITH A GIRL!" Mark's drunken voice bellowed causing Dahlia to flinch. Her body started to back away from Mark but was met with a wall.
Mark continued to insult Dahlia."What are you now a slut and fag" he slurred taking another sip from the 6th beer he had. Dahlia was always his target during his drunken spells.

He threw the first punch toward chest, knocking the air from her lungs and sending her on her knees. Thankfully he had enough this time, exiting Dahlia's room Mark went to his own and passed out drunk on the floor. Leaving Dahlia on the floor with her knees to her chest. She didn't cry, she was too used to it now.

Crawling into the bed she left her mind wander till she assumed she was dreaming. Staying still the thought of Elise came into mind. Her eyes fluttered shut and she fell asleep. Hoping for a better tomorrow.

Almost Idyllic ((Lesbian love story))Where stories live. Discover now