I'll Be Watching You

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As I walked over to Miles, i saw an evil glint in his eyes. I got very suspicious and stayed close to Mina. I strutted toward him and a few of his friends. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for self-confidence and all but I don't feel that pretty. It always puzzles me why Miles looks at me like a piece of meat.

"What did you want, Miles?" I asked him annoyed. I have other things to worry about other than his little teenage hormonal impulses. I have to plan, scan and analyze before me and Mina even thought about entering that course.

"I wish you would've come alone as this is a private matter." He said raising his eyebrows at me. As if she already knew, Mina took a hint and wandered off not to far off.

"Again Miles, what do you want?" I asked him impatient.

"You were always so cute when you were mad." Miles said to me brushing his hand on my cheek. My face screwed up into a disgusted look and I recoiled a few steps backwards. It's not like his fingers were repulsive, but what he did with them was. 

"I wanted to say that... I wanna... get back together?" He asked me. My jaw dropped. I totally forgot the fling he and I had. It only lasted a couple weeks. It was nothing special. The feeling was mutual back then but now I just can't feel that way anymore.

After all the years, all the painless hours, by myself and alone, training myself not to feel, yet I had a soft spot for him. 

"Miles, you disgust me. You've RAPED people!" I said. "I'm just not ready to have a dysfunctional relationship with you."

"First off, that's not what you said that summer night." Miles said with one finger up. "And two, you've murdered people. I hardly think fooling around with someone is worse than killing them."

My face stiffened. I hated people bringing up the past. Especially mine. And when he brought up what happened in the summer, I almost wanted to rip his throat out.

"Don't you ever speak about that." I told him with my finger pointing in his face. "That was a mistake that i will regret for he rest of my life."

"Which one? Losing your virginity to me or being a serial killer?" Miles said aloud so everyone could hear. The room fell silent. Gosh, I never knew inmates liked gossip.

"I regret even being in contact with you. Being in the same building with you. Being on the same planet as you. And if you think, you're so safe just because there are cameras, you've got another thing coming." I warned him.

Miles ignored me and carried on. "That's right, everybody. Elia and I did the nasty!" I rolled my eyes.

"Really, Miles? Even though you're crazy, I thought you would still have the common decency to keep stuff private!" I snapped at him.

"Sorry, but as you always say, I'm stupid." He reminded me. "I thought you out of all people wouldn't throw around names."

"Shut up! You are just as much of a screw-up as me!" I told him. 

"At least, I'm not a whore like you!" Miles said sarcastically.

My temper had risen to a place unexplainable. I've always had anger problems, that was one of the reasons I was in this jail. There was an empty lunch tray on a table beside me with a fork on it. Hmmm, I wonder what I could do with that? I decided what I was going to do.

In a matter of a second, I grabbed the fork and stabbed Miles in the balls. "Before you start talking about my love life, worry about yours. I don't think you can fuck anyone with a fork on your dick." I spat at him and walked away with Mina.

"Watch your back, SLUT!" Miles said while wincing in pain.

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