Back in the Good Old Days

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Flowers blew in the wind and leaves fell with ease. The sun didn't pose a threat to the kids who ran through the open lands of healthy green grass. Laughter filled the entire world and nothing but smiles lingered. People worried about how their pictures would turn out and if the food they ordered came out on time.

But that was a long time ago. Way before the dark ages slowly took our once giving and kind earth, turning it into a wasteland of dust and death. Generations of people took that from every other living and non-living person. Real or a work of fiction. And even now, when we know it is all dying, no one will break the never-ending legacy of killing. Murdering every last animal, flower and sea creature until the world is left bare and broken.


People look forward to death and welcome it into their life gracefully. Sometimes they even make the trip to their grave earlier than what their destiny intended for them. No one blames them and everyone keeps quiet. It is a normal thing around these dark times. 

No one speaks up about the catastrophe that is the doom of the earth.

People don't swim anymore. The water in the oceans is far too acidic to touch human skin or to support life. It seems to be a good way to hide all the destruction. Countries all over the world have been using them as a wasteland for anything their heart desires. They throw out oil and nuclear fusion destroyed things. 

People claim to not know how this all happened but the cause is quite simple. We, the human race, destroyed the one planet that was able to support us. It started a long time ago, back in the early 1800s when the industrial revolution came into the world. Through the years it just got worse until mother nature just gave up. They say that it was out of our control but we all know that is not true. Something could have, should have, been done ages ago.

Now kids sit and wait for the day that tips earth over and calls an end to all life. No one knows when that will be but scientist say it will happen soon. People don't listen even still. It is unclear to why they don't. The earth is hotter than ever and everyday temperatures rise .0004 percent. It doesn't sound like a whole lot but there are 365 days in a year. The temperatures add up quickly. Death by heat is increasing every day, the only way to survive is with unbelievably large and expensive air-conditioners. Some family names can only be found in textbooks and stories because they were too poor and unfortunate to afford one. Cancer doesn't exist anymore though. The extreme heat conditions are so unbearable that even cancer cannot live in them. Looks like people found the cure, which is killing everyone else along with cancer cells.

It has been this way for quite some time now and few people care anymore. Why? Because not even a miracle can help us now. The world is done in for good. It can never go back to what it was before. The damage that has been done is irreversible and the deed is done.

Some still care. The kids with optimism who try to recycle and do things that don't harm the planet but it's all a lost cause.

People never thought the world would end in such a way, engulfed with flames and heat to the point where eyes melt out of heads. It's kind of like the atomic catastrophe of Hiroshima back when war was a thing. Instead of war between countries, it is a war against the sun. How ironic. 

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