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Author's note: the girl shown under media is Autumn Grace Monroe :3 Thank you for reading. Comment and all that shit below XD

"Try to amuse me. Give me the best you've got. I bet you won't be able to. The life of Autumn Grace Monroe is probably amusing enough to feed the whole worlds' need for entertainment. So if you think you can, gimme your best shot!"



Of course I could hear her, she was yelling at the top of her lungs! I groaned and rolled over on my back, placing the pillow over my face and ears so that I could tune her out.

Soon enough, I heard footsteps tramping up the stairs. Great.

My door swung open with force, and it hit the wall behind it with a SMACK! I winced, but didn't remove the pillow from my face. Big mistake. 

"Autumn! I told you to get up," my mom snarled, pulling the pillow off of my face, "get the fuck up this instant. You will not be missing the first day of tenth grade, or any other day, on my watch. You understand?" 

I nodded, giving her a mental eye roll. I wouldn't dare do it on the outside. If I did, I would get hit. We don't need a big ugly slap mark on the first day of hell, now, do we? Nope, I didn't think so. Reluctantly, I threw the covers off of my tiny body. I stepped out onto the cold wood that was my floor. Immediately, I was freezing. I wished I could stay in the warmth of my covers forever. Gazing back at my sheets before standing up, I longed for their warmth. Slowly, I stood up.

"GET MOVING YOU LITTLE BITCH!" my mom shrieked, and slammed the door behind her on her way out of my room.

God, I can not believe this. My life just goes from bad to worse, today being my first day of tenth grade. Daring to take a look at myself in the mirror, I eyed myself over. Damn, I had a lot of work to do. Even though I hated my mom, I mentally thanked her for waking me up early enough to get ready.

Deciding to start getting ready, I trudged over to my closet, yawning and stretching as I crossed the room. When I reached my closet, I examined my clothes, pondering over what I should wear for my first day of school. After thinking for a minute, I decided on some black skinny jeans, along with a green and black checkered shirt. That was probably my best bet, for today anyways. I didn't want to stick out even more than I already did. Oh well. 

I replaced my pajamas with my day clothes, throwing my dirty pajamas to a corner of my room that was occupied of other dirty clothes. Then, I trampled into the bathroom.

The flat iron was turned on with a press of a button. While it was heating up, I took out my makeup supplies. Some press powder for my shiny face, some liquid eyeliner, and some mascara. Finally, some light pink lipgloss. Once my supplies were out, my iron beeped, signaling that it was ready for use. Picking it up, I ran it through, straightening my long, black, textured hair. Running a brush through it, I smoothed it out before "teasing" it. I ruffled it up casually, sprayed it with hairspray and whallaaaa! The hair of Autum Grace Monroe is complete!

I applied a thick amount of eyeliner, outlining my intense eyes. I applied a light layer of press powder, a brush of mascara, and finished it off with the lipgloss. I adjusted my gauges and my lip piercings, then headed back into my room. My socks laid in the top drawer of my dresser. I picked out some noshow purple ones before grabbing my black vans. After putting those on, I slung my backpack on my shoulder, grabbed my iPhone (I bought it myself), earbuds, and all the courage I could conjure up, and headed downstairs and out the door, not bothering to eat breakfast. My nerves couldn't take it, and I didn't want to risk getting hit. The air was warm, and only slightly humid, to my delight. I shut the door behind me. 

You are strong Autumn, you can do this. The world is no match for you, Autumn Grace Monroe...

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