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No. This can't be happening. He promised it couldn't happen!!!

I stared down at the bathroom counter. He said Demons can't reproduce. He insured me multiple times. But as I stare at the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter, I'm getting mixed confusions. "It has to be wrong." I whispered to myself. So I wrapped it in toilet paper and barred it in the garbage can. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" Crowley asked, knocking on the door. "Yup, fine." I answered opening the door after making sure the test wasn't noticeable. "Alright love, then lets get going." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I took a deep breath, sighing. I forgot that he was going to help the Winchesters. Crowley snapped his fingers and we were in the bunker.

I stared off in space as Dean and Crowley bickered back and forth. Cas was watching me intensely. "Stop staring at my Queen feathers?" Crowley snapped, noticing Cas staring at me. "Not staring, listening." Cas stated. "Listening to what?" Sam asked. My heart was pumping so fast I was afraid it was going to fly right out of my chest. "Please don't." I mumbled to Cas, staring at him with worry. "Don't what love?" Crowley asked walking over to me. He placed his hands on my waist, trying to get my attention off of Cas and on to him, and that's when I felt it. A sharp pain caused my body to crumple to the floor. "Love?" "Y/N!" Both Crowley and Dean yelled running over to me, worry clouding their eyes. "This will kill you." Cas stated, staying in one place. "Are you threating my Queen feathers?" Crowley glared at Cas, standing up. "Not at all. I'm just stating facts. The fetus will kill her." "WHAT?" Crowley yelled, turning towards me. "What is he talking about? It's obviously not mine, demons can't reproduce. Did you cheat on me?" Crowley stared at me, his eyes turning red. "NO!" I yelled, the pain intensifying. Cas walked over and placed his hand on my stomach. "That's bullshit!" Crowley yelled. Cas stood back up. "It's human.... And demon."

"Make it stop!!" I yelled, head resting in Dean's lap. Then all of a sudden, my stomach grew as I screamed in pain. Crowley stopped his pacing and stared at my stomach in shock. "What can we do?" Sam asked Cas. "Only Crowley can help her." Cas bent down to me and placed a hand on my stomach again, but this time his hand burned red and he pulled away. "What just happened?" Crowley asked. "It seems as though the fetus can tell I'm not it's father." Cas stared at my stomach in curious and amusement. "It will prove this baby isn't mine." Crowley said, taking advantage of this new information. "I didn't cheat on you!" I pleaded, crying. "Lets settle this." Dean said, placing his hand on my stomach, his hand burn bright red and he pulled away instantly. "That just proves I'm not the father, but I knew that, its part demon." Dean stated, glaring at Crowley. Just then Sam bent down and placed his hand on my stomach, the same bright red light shined and Sam pulled away, rubbing his hand. "Not me either." Sam smiled at me, brushing my hair out of my face, then standing up to allow Crowley through. But Crowley didn't move. "Come on then." I growled, clenching my teeth in pain. "You think its someone else's, prove it." I demanded.
Crowley inched closer, kneeling in front of me. I watched him intensely, knowing it won't glow as it did for the boys. Crowley slowly placed his hand on my stomach and I clenched my teeth as the baby started kicking his hand. "It's yours." I breathed out, tired. Crowley didn't take his hand off my stomach, that is, until I started screaming in pain again, and my stomach grew even more. Crowley grabbed my face and pulled me away from Dean, pulling my head to his chest, mumbling that its going to be ok. "She doesn't have long." Cas stated, looking at Crowley. "Once the fetus is born, she will die."

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