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"Oh dear." "What is it doctor?" "It's just terrible I have to go tell their parents." The door shut and two bodies were lying on hospital beds. Both had scars and cuts everywhere. One was mine and the other body was my sister's. Everything was black and I didn't know what was happening, it was like I was dead. All I could do was hear voices coming from across the room. "This is my time huh, I can't believe I'm dying with the nobody that's you brother." "I'm sorry sis, I didn't... know any of this could happen, but what exactly did happen." "You don't know ether? Whatever it doesn't matter." I started to hear talking outside.

"Mr and Miss Itō we have some upsetting news for you." "Well what is it doctor." "Well your children Adam Itō and Julia Itō they're not going to make it." "What? Why them? Why couldn't it be me instead?!" "Honey calm down I don't want to lose you too. Doctor is there anything we can do?" "Well Mr.Itō when we checked on your children we saw something, we can save one but not the way you think." Please explain."

"Ok Ms.Itō. We have new technology that allows us to check on a person's soul. It just passed all the test so we used it on your children." "And!?" "Well the results came back. Your daughter's body will survive but unfortunately her soul won't and we have nothing to fix a dying soul, however it's the opposite for your son. His body is far beyond repair however his soul is still very much alive." What are you saying doctor, I'm even confused now." "We can do a new type of surgery for your children. It will have us place the alive soul your son in the surviving body, your daughter's body." "Are you insane doctor. I am not turning my own son into a girl. Besides his brain will be affected by her female hormones, or his soul can affect her body and turn it into a half hybrid!" "Zeke listen to the doctor. I rather have one child alive then both dead." "Yeah your right but sweetie I don't want our child to be insulted due to being both male and female." "Mister we're not swapping their brains we are swapping their souls. Your daughter's body and brain will become your son's. In other words it will be your daughter's body but with your son's memory." "What's the catch then?" "Well as I said before only your son will live but in your daughter's body. However both your daughter's soul and son's body will not make it. Also there usually the issue that the body has to be close to the soul's age. Luckily your children are only 1 month apart by age so we're good on that part." "Ok, so Honey you willing to do this." "Well I think it's best to ask them if we can, can we doctor?" "No I'm sorry. You have to decide, it's now or never!" "We'll do it!" "Zeke?" "Sora you're right. It's better to have at least one child then none. It makes my stomach feel wrong, messing with human life but I don't want to lose my children, if I can only save one so be it." "Well you heard us doctor go do it." "Of course. Leave it to me."

Inside the room both me and my sister heard everything. "So, you're gonna become me huh, whatever it doesn't matter." "Why?" "Cause you'll always be a nobody, I'll be the one getting all the credit while you do all the work." "You're wrong sis." "What?" "I'm becoming you, your body and mind will be mine, in other words it'll be my life, hate it as much as you want you know I'm right." "We'll see about that. Have fun living my life." "Sure and you have fun being dead."

The doctor and nurse then came and wheeled both me and my sister to the surgery room. I didn't know what was happening but it felt weird. I was alive but not in a body for a while. Then just minutes later I'm in a body. I still couldn't feel anything. The doctor then began to speak to my parents. "Mr. and Miss.Itō the surgery was..." I didn't hear the last part, everything was getting more and more black, empty.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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