You and I {Hayes Grier fanfic}

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------------this is my first fanfic, wanted to try and make one! Hope you all enjoy! :)----

"Time to go Jessica!" My dad yelled as I was saying goodbye to my friends. I still couldn't believe I was moving after living 13 years in Chicago. Today was the day we were moving to North Carolina. I had been there before, we usually went once a year or so to visit the many family members I had there. But anyways, my parents had decided it was time for a change and both got jobs there.

My whole life I had been in Chicago, I'm now 13 years old. It's just me, my brother, who's 18 and my mom and dad. I was going to miss my friends so much and I was really hoping that I'd make a few friends when I moved. I guess id just have to wait and see.

When I had arrived in North Carolina, It was all pretty familiar, mostly because I was just moving a couple houses down the road from my aunt who's house i had previously stayed at. She had a daughter my age, Danielle, we got along pretty well. I was going to be attending her school and I was happy about that.
---1 week later---

It had been a week since I moved here. It was now Friday and Monday I was to start school. I didn't think about it too much, till Sunday night. I had been tossing and turning all night with all these questions of what the school and people in the school were gonna be like. I finally fell asleep around 2Am and had to get up for 7:00. school started around 9, I was getting a ride with Danielle in the morning.

Morning came awfully quickly and when I woke up I was pretty tired from lack of sleep. I got up, threw on some leggings, crop top and a cardigan, did my makeup and put a few curls in my hair. I then went downstairs, got my backpack and said goodbye to my parents. I quickly hopped in the my cousins car and off we went..

---so that's chapter 1! I've made some edits to it due to the fact I wrote this a really long time ago!

You and I {Hayes Grier fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now