chapter 1

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•Hello everyone, so this was at first going to be a short story but it's now probably gonna be a book. k . bye.•

A boy and a girl.

Niall and Winter.

They met each other online.

After talking to each other for four years they became best friends.

Winter lived in New York.

Niall lived in California.

They always turned to each other for help.

And they would always make each other feel so much better.

Both of them had troubled lives.

But they always had each other.


There fifth year anniversary was today.

And they were talking that night.


Niallhoran:hey :) happy fifth year anniversary!

Wintre1205:oh yea i forgot. Happy fifth year anniversary:/

Niallhoran: what was that?

Wintre1205: wt?

Niallhoran: you put :/

Wintre1205: I just have something on my mind. but it's nothing really.

Niallhoran: oh Come on I know you what's up?

Wintre1205:okay well I think I should tell you something

Niallhoran:k well go ahead

Wintre1205: I love you...

Niallhoran: I love you too!

Wintre1205: no...not just as a friend...

Niallhoran: Niallhoran is now offline.

Winter cried all night thinking she just ruined there friendship.

But later that night he called her.

She noticed it ringing but didn't want to answer it.

He called and texted all night and she just ignored him.

Finally when she was about to go to bed her mom came into her room and said someone is on the phone saying they really need to talk to you.

She took the house phone knowing it'd be him.


"Hey..... it's me...niall"

"Hey... listen I'm really sor-"

"No. don't be sorry"

"Then what should I be? I mean I don't know what to say or feel right now? I told you I love you and then you just went offline?!"

"I tried calling you after! you wouldn't answer! ...... I don't even know why I'm screaming I'm sorry..."

"Look I'm just going to go.... I'm pretty tired so goodn-"

"I love you...."

"R-really? you Aren't just saying that because you feel bad are you?"

"No. I love you i really do. I was just afraid of the thought of love. The thought of being in love scared me. I never wanted to admit to myself that I was In love."

"Well.... I love you too" she smiled to herself loving the thought that he loved her even though he was afraid of being in love.

"So I guess I should do this the proper way."

"What do you mean?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Really?! oh my gosh yes!....... But..... 'sighs' we won't be able to see each other. My parents would never let me be occupied by a boy. This is my last year of high school...... I have all my exams."

"I know... me too. My parents would never even let me fly to New York.... never."

They both sigh.

"We could wait until the end of the year?" She suggested in high hopes that they could arrange something to be able to be together.

"..... I can't wait......ugh......I've got to go now..... wait........ I love you so much okay?"

"I love you too"


"Wait what?"

He hung up.

She sat there confused on what he could be up too that he had to just hang up after he confessed his love for her.

She decided to fall asleep after waiting for an hour to see if he would call again.

-the next day-

She woke up that morning happy, excited even because she remember what had happened last night.

She got out of bed. started towards the bathroom to brush her teeth. The she heard her phone ringing she ran towards her phone knowing who it'd be.



"Hey how come you hung up on me last night?"

"Well I thought about it and really don't want to wait so I fought with my parents like all night telling how much I loved you and how I needed to see you and try finally agreed to help me move to New York and they promised to help with all the cost. so I'm getting on a plane right now."

"Oh my gosh really?!"

"Ha ha. yea really" he smirked, proud of himself for doing this.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe this is happening!"

He told her what airport he was going to be at and what time she should come for them to meet up.

-Hours later-

The girl went to the airport.

The boys plane was due to arrive in a few minutes.

She sat there thinking of what to say first. Should she say i love you? no too weird maybe she should sa-

"Hey Winter!"


She ran towards the gate door, jumped into his arms and whispered in his ear "i love you""

"I love you too"

She let go and they both laughed.

Then he went for kiss she didn't know what to do so she just backed up.

He missed and frowned.

"Whats wrong?" he said.

"I haven't had my first kiss..." she said while staring at her shoes as her face turned red

He looked at her longingly, lusting for her lips and loving the fact that he would be her first kiss.

"hey" niall said in a soothing voice. He gently grabbed her chin to see her face.

Electricity shot through winters body.

"It'll be okay" he whispered

With his eyes locked on her eyes, he took a step closer.

She wasn't sure her heart had ever pounded so fast in her life.

More than anything, she wanted to feel his lips on hers.

Just as the longing became unbearable nialls lips met winters.

The warmth of his mouth sent a current running through her body.

Winter threw her arms around nialls neck as she lost herself in his peppermint breath and soft lips.

Part 2?

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