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Im gently shaken awake, with a kind voice repeating me and my sister's name, our mother convincing us to wake. Well, trying. But, alas, our mom decides she doesnt want to be nice for long, and opts for tickling both of us until we're wheezing and unable to breathe. She gets done making us have mini spasms, then plops on the bed next to me while i scoot closer to my sister so mom can have room. She lies back and puts out her arm for us, both of us immediately putting our headss on her arm, happy to be in contact with the woman we adored and admired. Suddenly, we hear a bit of yelling from my parents room, probably my dad cursing for my mom not being there or who knows what other reason. I brush it off, thinking he was just irked.
   I hear a little bit of stomping before, suddenly, the door slams open and ricochets off of the wall to where my dad now stands, angry and red-faced, his dark brown morning hair crazy, adding to the terrifying, psychotic glare he is sending my mother. "Way to go, Brad," she says referring to a family memebr of his who also liked to do things like slam doors into walls. "Put some more holes in the walls!"
     He stomps towards us, before roughly grabbing a handful of mom's hair with some of mine, jerking her up, and i watch in a mix of horror and confusion, not noticing the slight tug of my own hair, as he starts throwing profanities at her, treating her as trash. She roughly pulls her hair away from him, and  shoves past him to go to the bathroom. My sister and i follow her in, fearing this strange man that is our father, this enraged, violent, malicious man. Not anymore. The man that is no longer my father, it couldnt be my daddy. He's never hurt momma like this. He throws things at her, yes; calls her mean names and can be an all-around dick, but my daddy wouldnt do that.
     Oh, honey. But wouldn't he? Darling, you couldn't be further from the truth, thinking you know or understand this man. He's lethal. A danger to you.

     No, stop it. My daddy's not mean. He's a good guy. He wouldnt really hurt us. He loves us. We're his whole world. We're a family.

     "Why are you doing this daddy?" I cry to him. He only continues to yell, and in a mix of fear, adrenaline, and anger, I yell at him.

    "LEAVE MY MOMMA ALONE!" I don't know what is running through my mind. I'm only a scrawny little ten year old. Short and paper thin, no matter how much I fought to gain weight. I watch as he turns to me and yells me, as I had began yelling the phrase as though it was the difference between life and death. He grabs the towels, and slams his arm out, his knuckles colliding with her temple. My mother knocks her head back into the rack we have above our toilet, and I cry the pain that she keeps silent. I watch in horror as my father storms out.

     I get up as my mom finishes in there, quickly coming into the hallway. I make a break for the door,  planning to run somehwere, find saftey. Protect my family. Suddenly my mothers arms are there, and she is trying to force me back in. I fight, but she turns me to face her. I can see bruises already forming, and a spot that will soon later produce a goosegg. She pulls me to her chest, while my sister waits inside and my dad fails to notice our absence. She pushes me back, checking me over. "Baby, come inside, please, come inside. It'll get better. He'll get better. It can't get any worse. I'm sure he's done. He did walk away. Nobody needs to know about this." Her eyes plead, fear and sadness, guilt and regret, mixed with a lost and hopeless look. I hate to see my mother in such a state of mind.

     So I comply. I walk inside, noticing my sister still in the corner, hunkering anx trying to melt into the wall. A mix of fear and fury burns within me, and i turn to him. He storms through the kitchen, throwing things and slamming them around.

    "LOOK AT ME! I'M A SLOB! I DON'T TAKE CARE OF MY HOUSE! I'M DAWN!! LET ME JUST DUMP ALL OF THIS-" he grabs our trash can, throwing it into our sink, and dumping it on the floor, "ANYWHERE, BECAUEE WHO CARES ABOUT CLEAN?!! I'M DAWN, I'M TOO GOOD FOR THAT!" He stops and turns to us, tossing the trashcan onto a wall easily, and leaving a dent. His eyes are wilder than before, and only more resentful. He walks towards mom, and she backs up, making sure to keep me and my sister behind her. He snickers, and reaches her. He grabs her by the throat, and starts to squeeze. She slaps and scratches at him, drawing a bit of blood from his neck and causing him to throw her into the wall, and when she rises again, he shoves her by her shoulders. She slams into the wall, but gets up again. I've started screaming at him again, my voice on hysteria.
Have another chapter up soon. Rough draft, soon be editing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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