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Ne'er a thought nor state of being to this bold life be few

Who's only trade with bits of finds will be or not be true.

Lifeless angst or bloodless trade to these imports I'm sworn

Perching high 'mong yellow spines - the golden hair she's worn.


Faithful ire and heeded truth have raised a brow to see

Nothing's left of braided scorn, to that bold life I flee.

Heaven waits as worlds collide, to these thoughts I'm sincere,

With weighted zeal and pounded truth I scorn to walk with fear.


'Mong static timbers long & fallen truth gives heed to streams

Of sorrowed walks with hindered lift as I slake noble dreams.

When open skies of grey or blue become my path I steal

A broken stop or brazened look as pain wraps 'round the reel.


"Confused and wondrous is this trail that binds me to great sight,"

Her heaven's breath or hellish wrath as I cast nature's blight.

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