Daddy's home...Dang!

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Kailee heard the front door slam, she knew daddy was home. she quickly turned off her laptop, turned her radio up and grabed her Biology text book and began flipping through the pages.

she soon saw her bedroom door open slowly but pretended to  read. he walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

Hi honey

"oh hi daddy didnt hear you come in I was getting some studying done"

hmmmm..with the radio blasting?

oh sorry daddy, thats just how i study

well turn it down alittle, and while we are on the subject of you studying are you ready for your test? isnt it tomorrow? and I hope you have stayed off that laptop like I asked until your grades are acceptable

"ugh if you ask me its a ridiculous rule" Kailee said with an attitude

excuse me young lady? I take it I did not get through to you with that spanking I gave you only last thursday for your attitude!

Kailee remembers that spanking she recieved just last week and she did not want to repeat it any time soon!

Sorry daddy,

Good girl, now why dont you finish studying while I get started on dinner?

yes sir

Kailee pretended to study until she knew her dad was busy downstairs. she then got back on her laptop, she checked her myspace, and did some other things. she then signed into her Yahoo IM and saw that her best friend was on.

                                      Kailee: Hey Kaycie! whats up

                                      Cheekie: nothing just surfing the net, did you know Chelsea Pfif has a new website!?

                                      Kailee: NO! OMG are you joining?                                     

                                      Cheekie: Yeah, come over! Heeey! I thought you were grounded from the comp.

                                      Kailee: yeah, my dad will never know, but since he's home I will have to check the site tomorrow!

                                      Cheekie: Sux 2 B U! hahah but I will let you go don't want any troubles C U 2Morrow~

                                      Kailee: right ttyl, see ya later alligator!

                                      Cheekie: Nighty Night honey bunny!                                   

"Kailee dinner time come get it while its hot!!" her dad shouted from the stairs

Kailee and her dad sat down for dinner, well it was only the two of them, Kailee’s mom died when she was younger, so her dad was left to take care of her.

"how was school today"

well it was ok I guess, said Kailee while shrugging her shoulders

"ok you guess?"

well i mean it was school, you go to class, they teach, you learn, then you go home! what else is there? Kailee said in a sarcastic tone

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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