Awakening s chapter one

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Sara's undoing

Awakenings chapter one

My head is jerked back to the right again."We need to go heavy on the eye makeup Essie, smokey eyes get the guys," Tina speaks light heartedly while manual positioning my face as she pleased. I've been in front of this mirror nearly 30 minutes while she goes about her way deciding on the perfect look for this party.

Tina and I have been friends since the moment we met, similar sense of humour, similar choice in fashion and definitely similar taste in men. She calls me Essie due to my fascination with men in suits sometimes being distracting enough to make a fool of me.

Tina was the branch manager of my local bank and I'd gone in to apply for a credit card. I was simply initialling some formalities in a contract when Tina asked my name. Unfortunately however the exact moment she asked was also the exact moment her gorgeous male colleague walked past. Now with an ass that fine in that pinstripe suit, I couldn't focus on breathing let alone answering questions, no matter how simple.

I like to think I answered with my initials S.E.J.

Tina has a different version of the story but fact of the matter is, Essie stuck.

Tina and I from that day on have been inseparable. Besties like you'd have in highschool. But with alcohol. I think what makes Tina and i work so well is I'm submissive to, well, anyone. When Tina talks even in the most happy, easy going voice it's stern enough that most people know they have no choice but to do as they're told.

She's used this voice a lot today.

She used it when she asked me to take her place at a meet and greet party tonight.

"This dress is perfect," that exact tone again rings through my ears. I turned to see Tina standing at my open dresser, a tangle of clothes on the floor beside her. She has paused from the rummaging and was now holding a what appeared to be a scrap from the floor at a seamstresses workshop.

I stared in disbelief, as Tina held the black micro tube dress against her own physique

"You can't possibly expect me to go virtually naked?" I ask in hope she may show some mercy. "Leave me some dignity."

"Nonsense, risque isn't naked. Besides, you'll be the hit of the party. Trust me!" Again I knew arguing would be pointless. "This will be perfect for your figure. Just alluring enough to bait the hook." Tina pleads to me convincingly with a wink. Her sly smile always gets me.

And then she hands me the shoes she picked.

"Stilettos? Stilettos? I won't even be able to walk in these things. Seriously these are not shoes for people. These damn things should be on a stripper." Again I hope she will show some leniency.

"Come on girl, think about it. These babies will make you look even taller and enhance the shape of your legs. It's hard to improve great but with my help men won't be able to tear their eyes from you." Tina's now in full sales rep mode, the gleam in her eye and the smirk across her face showing she's already won.

" They will start at the heels and gaze upward following the lines of your beautiful calves, leading all the way to that luscious ass of yours. They'll be entranced as you walk, watching your hips sway with your strut! Shit they'll be falling over themselves like week old pups gnawin' at the teet!"

Oh! And get a Brazilian!" Tina adds as an afterthought. "Why, in the hell, would I do that. "Nobody's going to be see my naughty bits," I plead trying to avert her one track mind.

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