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Why? A question I have asked myself over a thousand times for many different reasons, 'why do I bother?', 'why does it matter?', 'why am I so naïve?'. Yet, I never seem to be granted with the answer that I so longingly desire. I mean weren't friends supposed to care? What great friends I have then. It mustn't be hard to wait for me, I've asked why, yet, they always grant me with the same halfhearted apology and so slowly, it begun, and I've had enough. Seriously though, is it just me?


Leaning against the cold, uneven wall that was carelessly painted Carolina blue, I turn to my friend who I had known so long. Her face was sullen: blue eyes hidden behind a pair of thick rimmed glasses; lips pursed into a thin disapproving line; hair pinned back into a dusty blonde, drooping ponytail. She was like an open book anything she felt was protruded towards the surface. Huffing in frustration she turns quickly to me arms folded in front of her chest, shoulder leaning against the wall and, one foot poised I front of the other. Annoyance and discontent rolled of her in waves as she looked back at the door that never seemed to open.

"She'll be put soon" I silently prayed, saying the words yet, not truly believing them.

Suddenly, a sea of unruly teenagers emerged from the door, throwing I open with a bang, most likely leaving a dent. Faded obsidian jumpers and ivory white polo tops swarmed my vision, indistinct faces passed by not batting an eyelash towards it direction and finally, right at the back, trailed our small friend, Hailey. Annoyance was plastered onto her face like a second skin; eyebrows pulled down and together, lips narrowed; today was not going to be fun.

Rolling my eyes at her sour expression we fell in line with each other, Lauren hoisted her bag further over her shoulder and slowly began her usual drawl that gathered no interest from me. There meaningless piffle gradually turned into background noise as I focuses my attention on my daydreams.

The pictures that were plastered onto the walls appeared to dance and pirouette before me; ballet skirts flowing behind them. As they pranced and leaped a small smile seemed to working its way onto my face, however was quickly diminished when a hand waved in front of my face; snapped out of my daydream I dragged my eyes towards the person connected to the hand that disrupted my thoughts. Lauren. "Were you even listening!" She shrieks eyes wide and hands positioned on her hips - why am I so called friends with these people? Shaking my head dismissively anther obvious annoyance towards the fact I did not hear her oh so interesting tale about her weekend, I brush past her and walk towards science.

The sound of feet behind me echoes off of the walls as she again tries to grab my attention. Huffing in distaste I face her, by now she is likes bomb about to pop her face red, the vein on her forehead of which I call Harold protrudes prominently, I knew walking away would do his, and yet I did it anyway. Like a dragon her wrath was a force to reckoned with and at her towering 5'8 stature she towered over me, consequently making me feel like a measly dwarf.

Like I said, today would not be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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