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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or any of its characters (sadly cuz Rogue is something ever changing....Get it? Cuz shadows? No? Okay...). All copyright belongs to their rightful owners.

This is just a random fanfic I thought of while having a fun chat with certifiednoob ^^ Bless Stingue and that it entails. Love this ship to death so let's keep writing away until I die!

Although, I must apologize for being so late. This fanfic was planned for... What? February? xD But, I got hooked into Attack On Titan. So, I'm a little late... I really hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless!

"I'm not going to ask again, kid! Give me all your lunch money!" the tall boy growled. The smaller raven-haired kindergartener in front of him whimpered and sniffled, his hands shaking as he gripped tightly onto his crumpled five dollar bill.

"Please, don't take it," he begged. "I haven't even eaten in three days! I just want to buy lunch for today. I'll give you my milk, my cookie, my—"

"I said I want your cash, you little snot face!" The tall boy suddenly lunged forward and grabbed the little boy by the neck. He twisted around and clamped his slimy hands around the little boy's wrist before bending it and forcing the paper money out of his palm. He dropped the boy to the floor before walking away cackling with money in hand.

No one stopped to help the little boy as he continued to cry in the quickly deserting hallway. Slowly, the little boy walked outside shuffling his feet and sneezing when his disheveled black hair tormented the front of his face. He hung his head down as he made his way to the shadow of a dying old tree, a willow tree that seemed to mirror his own feelings.

Soon, his tears stopped. Back and forth, the other kids scampered about never glancing his way. All of a sudden, a soccer ball rolled over and knocked into the side of the little boy's foot. A blonde haired boy ran up to him, blue eyes gleaming with joy.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked picking the up ball and placing it in his lap as he took a seat next to the raven. He responded by shrugging. The blonde grinned and said, "Oh well, my name's Sting, Sting the strongest. What's yours?" The raven blinked before replying.

"My name is Rogue," the little boy said to Sting. All of a sudden, Sting laughed. He threw his head back and his voice rang out in hoots and hollers with a little trill at the end. He fell back into the grass clutching his stomach. When he finally calmed down and sat back up, Sting patted Rogue on the shoulder.

"Now, that is an awesome name!" he exclaimed. "You're like the Lone Ranger or Robinhood. You got a name that is beyond cool. It's epic!" Rogue turned away hiding the smile that was on his face. However, Sting's eyes were sharp immediately noticing Rogue's smallest movements. "Oh, so you're a little shy, Rogue? Let's see if we can't change that." Sting suddenly tackled Rogue and began to tickle Rogue's sides, his legs pinning him from running away.

Rogue held his breath and flailed about trying to push Sting off, but to no avail. He scrunched his face and began to laugh louder and louder.

"Sting! Oh my god, stop it!" he cried. Rogue snorted and huffed until his lungs and cheeks hurt. Until he was red in the face and panting like a dehydrated runner after a marathon, Sting finally let him go. He laid down next to Rogue with a smirk. Rogue glared with mild disdain, however, he was really happy. This was the first time he'd truly had fun with someone. More than anything, he saw Sting as someone who wouldn't hurt him.

Sting didn't talk to Rogue much after that day. He ended up moving only a few days later, yet those baby blue eyes that reflected the ocean and smile that radiated warmth were forever engraved in Rogue's mind. Sting made him feel giddy inside, and he wouldn't forget his friend anytime soon.

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