Chap 1

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Hi, I'm Isadora! I'm a 9th grader at Assassin College. A few months ago I fell helplessly in love with the cutest boy in school! He's not your average boy though, he's not a jock he's the shy innocent nice guy that every movie is about lmao. Not mine heheh. Everytime he looks at me my heart does 300 somersaults and everytime our skin touches I faint, I've had to be taken to sickbay 30 times that's how often it happens! I share science class with him and it's the best thing ever. I love the outdoors swimming running walking ah! Prevecto protects me from unwanted BOYS! Not like my lil cammycam aw I actually love him. Our school formal is coming up and it's BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE themed. I want to go as my lil cammycam bc he's so beautiful (: yes I'm that cringe. anyway I'm planning on asking him to the dance today, hope it goes well yippee

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