0. Prologue

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Okay. So... Trip to Melbourne? Backpacking to Sydney? Visiting the entire city on foot? Sounded an awfully lot appealing. But landing in Melbourne and finding out that the house we were looking forward to stay in was already occupied and had no available extra rooms? That was enough to blow off all the excitement right out of our vibe. You see, me and my best friend- Alisha- we'd decided to go on a trip to get our mind off things. Things like her recent divorce. She married Grant when they were barely legal enough to drink. And now three years later at the age of twenty- one their marriage had finally given out. Since she was not exactly twenty- one yet; two weeks to go, she wanted to leave the place we both called home for five years. She wanted to movie countries. I managed to convince her to move cities. It was still not enough. So me- the reckless one- decided to go travelling. Soul- searching. I had recommended Bali but she thought it was too spiritual. She recommended London, I thought it was too derisive and expensive, we finally settled on Australia. I was still a bit iconoclastic about Australia I gave in. You can only push too far. I was twenty- two. Although the legal age to drink in Australia was eighteen.

Here we are. Crashing in a street- side house party drinking like there's no tomorrow. Alisha had already found her next conquest- a lean, tall guy with dark hair and a cute dimple named... get this, Grant. But looked nothing like Grant. This one was more of a wanna- be bad boy type. A cigarette hanging from his lips, black wife- beaters and jeans. Although his shoes looked good for a man but a bit out of place. They were Sketchers. Yeah the ridiculously priced runner shoes. He was wearing Navy Blue and white sketchers with his all- black attire. And the bandanna? Don't get me started on that one. He was everything the real Grant wasn't. Alisha's ex- husband was well- groomed, polished, well- dressed and a perfect gentleman. But then again. Bad boys ain't no good and Good boys ain't no fun. She turned around and winked at me before grinding herself permanently into the front of his jeans. The air changed as I gradually came to a stop on the dance floor. The hair on my neck stood and a slow rhythm began humming in my blood. The buzzing of the music dimmed as I became aware. Too much aware. Confused of this foreign reaction in my body I turned around to step out the house and get a breather. Was I... aroused? Not possible.

The scene outside was serene and quiet except the cadenced beats of the electronic music. I looked across the street and was entranced to find myself locked into the chartreuse eyes of a man. White shirt undone, sleeves rolled up to his elbows to expose a mystery of tattoos that rolled around his left wrist while stopped at the elbows on right hand, dress pants, Gucci shoes and standing beside an unmistakable black Panamera. His angelic face was crafted with such perfection... it should've been a crime to look so transcendent. His green eyes were penetrating me to my very core. I suddenly felt self- conscious in only my blue dress that stopped mid- thigh with puff sleeves that I pulled up to look like farm sleeves. A gush of air rushed by and left me shivering in this cold. My heels were hanging from my fingers as I brought my arms to wrap them around myself. He was staring without looking away. Instead of letting it get to me I stood my ground. I stared back. Just as intently. Stubbornly. We stood there daring each other to divert our eyes and I gave up. I was frustrated so I flicked my tongue out at him like the adult I am and huffed when he bent his head chuckling. I was about to stomp, literally, to him when a voice shouting my name captured my undivided attention. I swiveled to peer inside the house and found Alisha and Grant- the new one- fighting. Alisha was swatting away his wandering hands and Grant was shit- faced drunk. I approached them with Grant's back to me and I violently turned him. Alisha was too drunk to save herself but I wasn't. This seemed to sober Alisha up.

"Hey!" He snapped- slurred angrily. He was so far gone that he wasn't able to hold himself up anymore. I stomped on his feet; with my barefoot, held his jaw with my hands and looked at him challengingly.

"When a woman says 'no' it means 'no'. It means keep your greedy, chauvinist tentacles off a lady, you moron." I knee him in the balls and kick his jaw with my knee as he bends down to clutch at his dirty manhood. "And one more thing..." I say as I wear my heels again. "You will think a million times before forcing a woman again." I say as I stomp on his already hurt balls again with my heels and pull Alisha inside the house with me.

| The Next Day |

After Alisha is done with her hangover aftermath we stroll out through our shitty hotel room to venture out in the Sydney rain. They say that it rarely rains in Sydney and I guess we were lucky enough to witness it. "Shoot!" Alisha exclaims. "I totally forgot my phone. Wait for me at the reception. I'll come down." I nod 'okay' and press the call for the elevator. It signals with a ding and I step in. An ancient roman music is playing on the radio. It stops again on the seventh floor and I step back but not much since the elevator is small. The doors open to reveal the familiar chartreuse orbs with a smirk. Yesterday he was standing at a distance. Today all my breath knocks right out of me as I am hit with all his... sublime beauty. God he is sexy. He steps into the elevator towards me forcing me to step back hitting my back against the wall. He stares at me as the elevators resumes its descend. He doesn't turn or even look away. So I do what I did last time. I stare back. After a while he catches on and chuckles. That voice affects the deepest and most forbidden parts of me. It was euphonic to my ears. Goosebumps race on my exposed arms and he leans in....

Coming Soon... ON WATTPAD! 

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