Chapter One

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Taking in a deep breath Cayla lifted her arms above her head, and closed her eyes. She stretched her back by lifting her chest. She sat in the floor of her dorm room, the dorm was large as it was meant to fit two others, and the beds had become the place for her many of books.

As the floor had become the place she used for her morning stretching. The cool air from the Maryland morning, filled the room as she'd opened one of the windows to air out the smell from her sad attempt at cook greens.

Focusing her attention inwards, she forced all her worries and emotions to the bottom of her stomach. Slowly, she felt a flicker of warmth in her toes. And as her focus grew sharper the feeling grew, as her solaria often did it took a long while to awaken.

The warmth slowly became a bright purple, a heavy wave of energy rose and her jaw tightened in reaction. Sweat slowly started to bead her forehead, as she sought to control it. Solaria; the natural force of energy every Trixian was born with, and the driving force behind everything they did. Her father, Aine, the current emperor of Trixians on earth was considered to have the strongest.

And in the days of her sisters kidnapping she'd felt it far more than any of her other siblings. She didn't know if she was merely a genetic exception, as their mother was human, but she'd thought in the beginning that something was wrong with her.

Forcing the wilds purple energy to settle took much of her concentration, the only visible marker of her struggle was the nibbling at her pink lips. Parting them, she inhaled deeply and lowering her arms she felt her skin prickles as her Solaria began to take physical affect.

Now, as she opened her eyes settling her palms on top of her knees, she knew she wasn't all that weird for an Aliens daughter, rolling forward she closed her eyes once more forcing the energy once again away. She, unlike her older sister, had to hold her Solaria closer to her chest, if she didn't it affected those her around her. Her UZARK Uncle's had yet to explain it fully to her, but the two idiots had eagerly tested their theories on her, she wasn't sure if said behavior had made it worse, or better.

Hearing the chime of her file, she muttered in annoyance as she rose back up and uncrossing her legs, she reached for it. Picking it up, she felt her brows clash as she realized she'd forgotten one important thing. Her crushes birthday, jerking her eyes up she checked the clock once more as she came to her feet.

It was an hour before class, she could shower and be there before he got there if she hurried. She ran towards the bathroom, only to pause. He probably wouldn't be in class today, frowning in thought she continued on she would figure it out. That was her strong suit, figuring things out.


Cayla walked into her school her eyes roaming the general area, she bit her lip when she didn't see her crush. Letting out a sigh, she continued on her way to her first-class Psychology 101.

She tightened her hold on the rosewood box. She couldn't help feeling silly, but it was the only way she could get her thoughts out clearly, so she'd written a letter.

Walking into the classroom, she sent a nod of greeting to her professor an alternative rock loving, orange dyed female. She couldn't help like Mrs. Livi, the women had a bunch of stories about the good old days.

Feeling her phone vibrate, she pulled it out as she took a seat in the back of the auditorium and took her bag off. Seeing it was her brother she rolled her eyes, and quickly turned her phone off. She refused to get caught up in another one of his schemes, she wasn't soon as she thought that, Cayla sighed. Her older sister would have eagerly jumped into anything, but Cayla? Cayla always managed to choose the safe road, and inevitably, like now she'd end up alone...a bon-a-fide loner.

Taking her text book out, and note pad she put the box away in her bag and let it sit down my her feet. The class slowly started to fill with others, and Cayla watched as they chatted and seemed caught firmly in the school experience. She never felt a part of it really, considering she went home after every day unlike the other students who stayed on campus.

"You're early?"

Feeling her cheeks heat up, Cayla tried to play it cool when she lifted her eyes from her notes to meet the warm gaze of a tall men, whose warmed tanned skin went perfectly with his curly black hair that he held back in a man bun, His sweet cornflower colored eyes drew in. She forced her voice to work, "Um-yeah, I-I wanted to get a head started on studying for the exam, w-what about you...Mark?'

He'd actually come today, she couldn't give a silent cheer.

Mark shook his head, tossing his bag on the table in front of him. "I haven't even looked at it," He said with a sheepish smile, "Been too busy getting ready for the soccer game, can you help me after it's over?" He asked, while taking a seat, "You're the best at Livi's test, Cay."

Cayla loved it when he called her that, 'Cay' like she was someone special to him. She smiled, though she felt it was awkward, "Definitely, if—." "Yo, Mark!"

Cayla watched as Marks friends who attended the same class entered, and she watched as attention was fully captured by them. He didn't look at her again, and she felt the loss. And wilted slightly, she really liked him. Ever since he'd helped her when she was hopefully lost, he'd been helpful and patient with her.

She squeezed her hand around her pencil, and felt the vibration of her solaria at her determination. Taking in a deep breathe to calm it down, she focused back on her notes. She would do it, she would confess today.


After her third class, Cayla quickly ran down the hallway bypassing others. Her cheeks were rosy but, she didn't care she had to confront Mark before she got picked up. She ran down the stairs, making her way towards the sports department. Entering the building she flashed her student I.D, before the old lady secretary could stop her. Since the season had just reached spring, she felt hot under her sweater as she entered the main gym. Her eyes searching for him, not seeing him but hearing someone talking she walked further down.

"So, what's with you talking to that boring chick?"

She paused, "What chick?" Marks asked, she maneuvered herself against the wall, she hadn't realized she was about to walk into the male locker room.

"You know," The speaker said, snapping his fingers, "The-the boring sister, you know the trixian princess...What's her name?"

"Ah, Cyla...or Cayla." Mark said, Cayla blinked...he didn't know her name? They'd been in the same class, and partners on projects for two semesters.

"Yeah, her...why do you talk to her, from what I've heard she'd nothing like her older sister."

Cayla flinched, and tightened her hand on the box. Why did everyone assume she'd be like her sister? "From what I heard she's the "spare" princess, in case they need to sell one of them off for marriage."

Mark laughed at that, before saying, "She's got one thing going for her..."

"Yeah, and what's that?" His friend said sarcastically, " Because it isn't looks."

"She's smart, and... well nobody else gets better grades then her, so...duh, I talk to her to keep my grades up."

"I knew it!"

Their laughter started then, and Cayla wasn't interested in hearing anything else. She walked away, crossing the gym she glanced at the trashcan that was seated in the corner a few feet away. Without aiming she tossed it, she knew it would make it...the only perk of being a trixian, was strength when you needed it.

She wiped away the tears of frustration that escaped. Why didn't anyone want to know her before they declared her to be worthless, and not good enough? Leaving the building she, stopped and glanced back at the building.

Anger was slowly taking over, but as the sky started to slowly turn grey and clouds started encroaching, she slowly lost her anger, and though she imagined running back inside and beating some sense into Mark but she knew it was a stupid daydream, just stupid.

Releasing her fist, she turned away and walked towards the library, going back to her usual routine.


Their Slave, Their Princess (BWWM) (3BKS) COMPLETE #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now