Pretty girls get hot mates. I get one that's gay?

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The pretty girls. Oh how they annoy me, with their stringy bleach blonde hair, and their super long eyelashes. What annoys me most is how they always get the super hot mates, but they go on and on about it. Like seriously shut up already you scrawny little mutts!

My case is totally different though. First of all i'm not some sheep that follows Barbie wherever she steps her super long high heels that she probably got from shooting Edward Cullen, and making her shoes out of his skin so she gets that real sparkly effect... Moving along. No i'm different, i'm not afraid to speak upto the Barbie clones, and as a bonus I dress normally! Thank the lord!

The real bad thing is when I turned 18 I finally got the chance to stalk my mate and make him mine. the difficult thing is my mate Aaron doesn't exactly 'get hard for my gender.' No unfortunely my mate thinks he's gay, and he has a boyfriend.

So this is me Jaimie Mitchell trying oh so desperately to convert my mate to being straight.


I hope everyone likes this new book. Honeslty it just came to me.

Ps. I have nothing against gays. Personally I respect it and think it's awesome!

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