The Curse of Crowfoot Cove

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How had it come to this, wondered Lady Sandy Crevice, hanging high up in the lush, leafy canopy of the Amazon rainforest, the athletic English aristocrat, archaeologist and adventurer ensnared by the constricting coils of an enormous snake encircling the trunk of a tree; the serpent slithering ever upwards all the while, presumably to devour its prey in privacy.

A young woman of only 25 years, Sandy's skin was ever so slightly bronzed, with a wild, whiplike length of plaited hazel hair, chiselled cheekbones and narrow nose; fulsome, fleshy lips and enchanting emerald eyes complimenting her striking appearance. Each curve of her toned torso exuded confidence, her hourglass figure accommodating a perfect pair of peachlike breasts supported by shapely legs that seemingly went on forever.

Clad in a tight vest of white cotton, tan-coloured combat shorts, biege leather boots over heavy hiking socks and a buckled belt housing the holsters of a pair of pistols, her outfit and accompanying arms had afforded her little protection against the ambush predator. Of course, the plan had been simple, or so she had thought mere moments earlier; somewhere, amidst the mass of ever-encroaching foliage alongside the great river lay the tantalising ruins of some forgotten temple, lost to time beneath the tangled tendrils of creeping vines.

All around her, the deafening din of the rainforest, the constant chattering of its many monkeys concealed amidst the verdant vegetation, not to mention all manner of tropical birds and irksome insects, had dulled her senses somewhat to danger during the many hours she had spent hacking a path through the twisted trees; accordingly the adventurer had found herself woefully ill-prepared when the serpent struck. Soon she had been subdued by the restraining coils of the reptile as the streamlined, shadowy shape propelled its way towards her as fast as a speeding bullet before she could backflip to safety.

Turning to face her assailant as the fairly coarse coils entwined her torso, Sandy settled upon a mass of mottled, moss-coloured scales, amber irises and serpentine, slit pupils fixing upon their prey with a piercing stare; forked tongue flicking back and forth in a somewhat sinister fashion. For a while, the pair locked eyes before the great reptile retreated into the foliage whence it had emerged; all the while dragging the distressed, struggling adventurer into the canopy.

Once safely settled within its treetop lair, the writhing tip of the serpent's tail fast flickered into view with a whipping motion, immediately encompassing its captive's left leg; as the coarse, tapering coils crept their way towards her ankle, Sandy was astonished to discover her boot being slowly unlaced before it was slipped from her foot entirely, her sock soon following suit. Continuing to maintain an almost mocking degree of eye contact with the adventurer, the tip of the constrictor's tail teasingly crept across the exposed, sensitive sole of Sandy's bare foot; brushing every inch of the soft, supple flesh in a gentle circling motion.

Soon, the tip of the tail had slipped itself between each toe in turn; as the adventurer squirmed and struggled in the serpent's restraining grasp, she fast found her ankles tightly lashed together as a mixture of torment and mirth emerged from her mouth, tears rapidly rolling down her cheeks; all the while powerless to resist the predator's torturous routine.

At once, the constrictor's coils tightened a little, covering its captive's mouth. As muffled laughter continued to emanate from the adventurer, the tail flicked feverishly back and forth in a lightly teasing motion, creeping into every cranny as Sandy scrunched her perspiring sole in a futile attempt to defend herself from the uncomfortable caress of the creature; struggling somewhat for breath, she soon began to black out...

Sandy awoke with a start, instinctively somersaulting breathlessly from the king size bed as she did so, somewhat dazed and disorientated upon finding herself safely back once more within the walls of her ancestral home; Crevice Manor, the sprawling estate situated on the border of the English counties of Berkshire and Buckinghamshire.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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