Chapter One: A Friendly Manner

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Tip One: Greet your roommate in a friendly manner.

Harry sat on a bed, assuming it was his from the way the other simply held a discarded suitcase, and drew a book from his bag. He grinned sheepishly, reading the cover.

How To Fit In At College

College can be a difficult time for even the social butterflies among us, but with this simple guide you can stumble your way through, and perhaps make a few friends on the way! From parties to roomies, dates to studies, use this book as your guide!

Written by Gemma Styles

He was proud of his sister, of course, for getting her first book offer, but not so much that she had decided to use him as a guinea pig for her guide.He understood though, he was exactly the person this book was for. Awkward, clumsy first years at college who had no clue what to expect. He fit the description perfectly. On the other hand, his sister had completed college, bringing with her not only a whole army of friends, but one dedicated fiance, James, who had helped her to publish her book along with his fathers company.

He skimmed along the introduction, and notes about the author, to the first section. It was simply titled: Getting Settled In. He guessed, that this chapter would be about just that, and turned to the first page of it.

Tip One: Greet Your Roomate In A Friendly Manner.

Make sure to treat your roomie with the utmost respect, but try not to come across as clingy or friendless, even if you are. Act casual and deal with the situation as it comes.

What kind of advice was that? What if Harry's roomate was a nudist? What if Harry's roomate hated people?What if Harry hated his roomate (even though he had never hated someone before) or vice versa? Harry calmed himself. Act casual and deal with the situation as it comes. Being the mature person he was, he giggled a little at the innuendo in the sentence. Harry decided that he might as well unpack.

He placed his clothes in a wardrobe sat next to his bed, setting up his iPod dock on a small desk he had brought along with him, one that folded up under his bed if needed. He snuck a few private items under his bed in a shoebox, along with Gemma's book and his photo album. His camera was proudly placed on the desk, ready for whenever he decided to face society, as he would most likely take it with him. He found it easier to observe through a camera, that way anything that caught his eye would be captured. He felt it was necessary, sometimes, to hide behind the shutters. Which, as it goes, was a good metaphor for his personality. He occasionally opened up, almost immediately shutting back up, but keeping an imprint of the actions within the time span of his trust.

He hung up a few posters on the wall, of what his sister and the few friends he had invited to his room called 'Hipster bands'. Harry always scoffed at that. He wasn't a hipster. And if he was, he was a damn cool hipster.  He walked over to the small kitchenette, spotting a few snacks and food items laying around, and putting them away in a more orderly fashion. He had brought cutlery and fruit, as well as less healthy snacks, of course! He was making himself seem all goody-goody and not macho! Harry was macho! Well, everyone but Harry himself disagreed but thats a minor bump in the road.

He moved back into the bedroom-area, lying down on his bed, onto to discover his feet hung over the end of it. He frowned, shifting around to fit onto his bed. Harry didn't realise when he had started growing, causing him to be out of proportion and unable to control his long arms and lanky torso. He was known for being overly clumsy. He had met Ed Sheeran, and was now quite great friends with him, by tripping over and breaking his guitar whilst he (Ed, not Harry) was busking. Harry had shyly complimented his singing, telling him he'd be famous with his 'amazing' standard of singing, and offered to buy a new guitar. Ed had simply waved it off, and it wasn't until later that Harry discovered Ed already was famous, when they were getting coffee and a girl asked for Ed to sign something. Harry had been quite shocked, but they had kept in touch, and Harry was now a great fan of Ed's music, owning most of it, along with various remixes and covers by people he liked.

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