you own(ed) me

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"Jake hold my hand please."

"Liv are you sure you want to do this? It'll crush him."

"I've broke him so many times and this baby deserves to have a loving family. Me and fitz are done now and the baby has no chance at happiness."

"Liv... I'll help you. Raise it as my own. He'd never have to know."

a tear fell from my eye

"Jake I can't do that to him. that'd be the end of him. Him knowing I was having your baby? He wouldn't be able to come back from that. He hates you because of me. I ruined your friendship."

"Liv I still love you."

"Jake please stop I'm still in love with him. I don't think I'll ever stop loving him."

"You can... you can. Run away with me."


"come with me. Lets leave this town. Stop Gladiating... stop being Olivia pope. Run away with me. You can get over him. Liv run away with me... save me."

"Jake.... I'll go with you. I need to leave this town. As long as I'm here all that matters is fitz and I don't think I can do this." I gulped

"I should keep this baby... you're right. It's not the baby's fault. I'm going to love this baby twice as much enough for this baby to never doubt. Lets go, get me out of here."

------ 3 months later ------

Cyrus' POV:

"fitz the ambassador of-"

"I honestly don't care right now cy... I just want to go to bed."

"Fitz I know it hurts... have you talked to her? Maybe she misses you as much as you miss her."

he doesn't speak for a minute. I decide to fully walk in and stand in front of his desk.

"is it the fact you're all alone now? Do you need a lay fitz? There are plenty of women here that I'm sure would sleep with you."


"No fitz! You haven't been you for months... your heads not in the game... you're here but you aren't here fitz. I'm going to call her. You're going to sit here and listen to her and hear her out."

*dials livs number**


"Cyrus... how are you? why are you calling me?"

"Can't I hear from my friend every now and then? I miss you."

"Cyrus what's wrong?" she said as I put the phone on speaker

"liv there is a crisis... in the White House and we need you. It'll take you 5 minutes to get here and 10 mins once you're here and you'll be on your way."

"Cyrus I can't...."

"Why can't you?" I asked

"How is he?" she asked

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to ask that but I can't. I'm not even in town I'm on an island. I had to get away from that town. From him. he owns me, owned but I have to go jake just walked in. make sure he's sleeping okay? I haven't had a good nights sleep since the night... bye cy"

I looked up from my phone at the mistake I just made by calling her. I looked up and saw something break inside him. I thought he couldn't look worse but I think that was the final nail in his coffin. when he hears the thought of fitz being alone with Jake he cringes but three months away? he won't get over that.

"Please just go Cyrus I have papers to sign and things to read and meetings to attend. But for your information she wasn't a cheap screw... it was never actual about the sex. I knew I loved her before I ever slept with her. It was the hours after we did it, it was all the late night talks and our hands intertwined and dreaming of Vermont."

"Sir, you look tired. Get some rest. I'll fix this." I said walking out and to my office. I called her associates to help try and locate her and then that's when I saw the news.

"Olivia pope pregnant? D.C' fixer is finally have one of her own." was the title as you saw liv standing next to Jake on a plane.

I knew fitz would be ruined if he saw this

A/N: after I get through this storyline im going to get to mellie being in the White House and how fitz left to Vermont because after watching that tonight I feel so inspired. First chapter what do you think? Is there still hope for olitz or is it time for some olake

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