Braiding Questions & Tying Answers {Completed}

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AN: This was mostly inspired by both The Book Thief, and Perception, a Wattpad novel, by yme123 

"Every girl is beautiful," Lauren said softly, though not doubtfully. She crossed her long legs. "Some men just don't see it." It was delivered so much as a mumble.

     ~ Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. ~ Oscar Wilde

Kyle Soul laughed, harsh and obnoxious. He slapped his thigh, wiping away a tear. Dumb girl. Telling him some bull; once a girl was gone, she never returned. Simple; he'd learned that through his experience of being an interveiwer. They were clueless. Some girl she was.

"Lauren, do you honestly think I buy that shit?" Kyle inquired, smugness mingling with his amusement.

Lauren Smith leaned back, curling a dainty finger round a strand of hair. She was pensive. This interview was, initially, to last a few minutes. Kyle, just because he was amused by her, extended her time.

"Of course not." Lauren said softly. "Men like you never see any girl as beautiful. You classify us women. As either hot or ugly. Never beautiful or thoughtful; just fat or skinny." Again, Lauren laughed. "Do you honestly believe we women buy your shit?" She mocked him, snarling the words.

With an unamused sigh, Lauren stared at the security camera in the corner. It didn't move. Assholes. Brushing her hair from her mouth, the blonde smiled attentively at him. He seethed.

"I have a line full of girls who could replace you in a second, I-"

She interrupted him, defensive. "Yet you keep me after a minute. I wonder how that's possible, considering the line-"

"Is longer than your va-"

"I'm getting outta here." She'd exposed him; she didn't need to stay any longer.

Lauren stood, looking smug. He smirked at her as the blonde made for the door. 

Outside of the building, Lau pulled her hood over her head. In twenty four hours, Kyle would be in a cell; he would wonder who betrayed him. Lauren smiled at Claire Soul, high fiving her. Finally, after eight years. He'd never have suspected his older sister; they were never close, anyway. Nothing would ever be easier from then on.

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